Strong Wolf Chronicles part 4 - Arrival
"I'm curious, what was it that made you so sure that you loved me?" It was now morning, as indicated by the light surging through the portholes. We had been awake for a while, just reclining in each other's embrace. I stared up at the ceiling,...
Ean Vasht Th'Err
"Ean, you still there Ean?" came from above, and slightly to the left and behind him. Ean turned around from a sitting position and kneeling he inched up to peer above the rim of the blind. A lance of red light screamed down and before he could...
Kayla's Pack - Part 2: Tension
Cw: violence (not in sex) kayla stretches and rubs the sleepiness from her face. after cleaning up from last night's romp in the woods with deven, she'd curled up in bed to catch a few more hours of sleep.
Chapter 1- the death of a soldier.
This does get rather bloody and descriptive so you've been warned. My heart pounded as I ran from my enemy. My gun sheltered by my chest, my breath coming in short shallow gasps as the humid hot exhiliration of my heart beating leaving my lips in a...
Zoan - Part one - Chapter 1 and chapter 2
Welcome to my new starting story, its not really fuly completed yet, so thats why there are gonna be a few parts to it, and i just put everything together, i think its alittle better that way, but thats only my opinian. anyways, here is the first part....
Eye for an eye - part 1
A shadow fell onto the small town of Ilsh, three large dragons flying about in the sky, this being a warning to the people of what is to become of their city. In the streets panic assumes as many begin to take shelter and cover in their houses or...
Strange love part three: Hopes and Fears
I would like it made clear that if you aren't 18+ (or 21+ in some countries) then you should not be here, you also shouldn't be here if you are offended by drugs, violence, or/and homosexual anthropomorphic erotica (gay furrie porn) there now that I...
Sunset, eyes closed, was vaugely aware of where she was. She was lying in something cold. Snow, she reasoned. Her mind was clouded beyond recognition. Shoving the clutter aside, she focused on her memory, trying to jump start it again. 'Okay. I'm...
Exiles of Mossflower: Prologue
Prologue In the third year of our eternal exile from the Musteline Republic, during the month of the Otter, Lady Shukko, long may her line thrive, led her army to one of the key victories in her first campaign. The navies of Terramort were...
The sound of splintering bone echoed through the War Ring, almost unheard over the roar of the crowd. Kaus slammed blow after blow into his lizard-opponent, his massive paws hitting like hammers. Each impact drove the victim backwards, and the final...
Lion King III: The Pridelands Reborn: Chapter VII
**Chapter VII: Revival** **Brasta's POV:** I stood over Strike, panicking slightly; I normally just take charge in a crisis, but the shock of seeing him like that, combined with the revelation that my mother's killer had survived... was enough to...
My Destiny: In The Capital
My Destiny Arrival in the Capital It was weeks later we had crossed many provinces and saw many magistrates. The weeks were long and grueling and we all wanted...