Shaded Trail

This made no sense at all. there was nothing on those cards. nothing! i didn't imagine it. but what really stood out on the third card were little blocks on the bottom of the card, underneath the figure's feet.

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Secrets of the Tanners (chapters 4-6)

"i kinda figured that" i said, "uh huh, drake tell me something," he looked at me in the eyes "can you believe in something that makes no sense?" he finished.

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The Tales Of The Eternal Traveler - Prelude

I mean, this moment, it's the beginning of my story, but since i'm living it, it makes no sense to revisit it.


Finding Ones Place, pt 3

I hold my breath not wanting to make even the slightest sound that could give away my position and then i hear his footsteps coming towards the me and i can make out the faintest mumbles about how i have absolutly no sense of humor.

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Slag ND 6: The hatching

He responded with a growl, "you still have no sense of humor." she taunted then vanished. he gave a thunderous roar, not caring that he scared a good number in the club and caused a few of the strippers to fall.

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Dying Dream

It's just a mishmash of different things that make no sense... and everything is...stretched and twisted. i would say that it's like something out of a dream, but...even this is too dreamlike. it's disturbing...

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Core Beliefs

Of course, you know that rhyme well as it stands alone with no sense of reason. it's here but it's not here, this deeply set core belief, a truth that you've told yourself and lived by for so long that it must be true...right?

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Growvember Day 20

Some of the other information he gave had to be completely fabricated, that when we stopped to think about it, made no sense.

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Ander - Chapter 5, Subchapter 66

They had seen things they did not understand, had heard things that made no sense. by all rights they should be dead, but it was the very thing they had no understanding of that had ensured their survival.

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Summerwind's Journey, Part 1

sense and did not fit, like having every other piece of a jigsaw puzzle and being unable to connect any of them...


david's collage days part eleven

Inter drums and bass then it makes no sense just a lot of words that mean nothing.

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Friends Got Talent! Part 1

"besides not my fault you have two left paws and no sense of balance." the house was cool and comfortable as it had been void of life all mourning and most of the afternoon as the two quickly got settled.

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