Papa - Chapter 1: A Family Reunited

Nose first, the father dived down, his face was barely an inch away from the shiny color of the car, those pair of amber eyes scanned the car for scratches. "grrr.

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Special Assignments - Chapter One

I turned to see lachlan gazing at me with his amber eyes. "oh, pardon?" i said, correcting myself. "i was asking if you'd had a good summer before term started?" he asked, with something close an amused smile on his muzzle.

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I look up into his bright amber eyes to say thank you but can't seem to get the words out. he knows what i want to say though as he smiles kindly and says, "you're welcome rick." at that moment we are hit from the side as jasper joins the hug as well.

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Jayfeather's secret

In the forest side there was two males one with orange fur when in the sun light it looked like fire and had amber eyes he had axe (name s lionblaze).

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I've got big amber eyes and these eyes have seen a lot, which i'm unsure as to whether that's good or bad. but it makes for an interesting job.

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War's Oversight - Chapter 04

amber eyes as brilliant as the sun itself had squinted into the distance as his pupils were held to the narrowest of slits.

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Rangertale, Ch.3: The Castle Marenoc

* * * mels a white-furred ursan with amber eyes. no extra markings. she is strong, and agile, and bears scars from some battles. she prefers the classic ranger knife and bow in combat.

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Lila of the Reptilydes Part 3

His normally amber eyes went a dangerous crimson red. he didn't say anything, not just yet. he had never yelled at her before, she had always been the good one while her brothers got into trouble.

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Neroindra -- Prologue

Shakti answered, the fair woman stood short, oriental in looks being the only human for miles in the anthropomorphic society, she had full brown hair streaked with fiery red highlights, with amber eyes so deep they rivaled the beauty of the burning sun.

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Draconic Beginnings (01)

He pries his only meager weapons out from under the crimson's pin, and aims a frantic scratch at his horrible rose-amber eyes, slitted in daylight as they were.

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Sirius: Book One - The Beginning: Chapter 12: Hope

He seemed to be in shock, and he sniffed once, staring up into those amber eyes. "a-atlas?" he croaked. the other fox knelt down beside the bed and looked the younger in the eyes, frowning. "what? not happy to see me?" he asked.

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Chronicles of Trisha Talon - Book 1 - Chapter 5

My amber eyes followed his movement and how he ran with ease on his paws. the kittens hadn't moved, as if following that odd gesture the young man had made. he seemed like a hardy boy, perhaps just touching the boundary of manhood.

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