Broken Words: Chapter 10
"i hope i'm not being pretentious," francis' father continued as they sat at the silent table in the corner, not caring who overheard jayden's complicated predicament.
Pool Day
She can see why this guy appealed, and why his more pretentious colleagues looked down their muzzles at him for writing what is basically an action-adventure story. inspired by the story, she leans over and gives leo a little kiss on the forehead.
The Family Vulpes Chp6
"i guess those snooty prenchies and pretentious art hipsters are starting to rub off on you, huh?" ellie giggled softly, the air of her usual timidness returning to her laugh. "i grew up with you, remember?
Max and Myles: Chapter 3 - Part 1 - Sophy and Karu
He has to put up with annoying tree rats and pretentious birds everyday, so a solitary wolf that he only sees when it starts to get dark, is nothing to him. "not to say you haven't tried my patience."
I swear if i get another cosmopolitan dropped in front of me i'll puke pretentious pink triple sec all over this bar!" "that bad, really?" "i'm serious! they make me sick."
Zippy Zipperdale: Moderately Mad Scientist-The Twelfth Experiment
Eve cried sounding pretentious and quite clichéd. if she hadn't been busy, zippy would have rolled her eyes at that.