david the demon ch4
Each came after the last from the minion guild. each with an update. in the middle of them were the first two. twenty-three total letters from them.
WC/LofW C1
(opponent is knocked into near-by wall) cut scene- as tank is pulled from the wall and he and his minions run away, a crowd has drawn and once again many are a bit freaked out by how strong i am , i feel uneasy, thinking i may be kicked out again, but everyone
The Pokemon Story: Ash vs. King Leonidas (part 2)
However, he was told that if he lost against the past ash, he would be possessed by ash's evil spirit minions. he was lied to. so, it is up to you to handle this job. and, you are required to carry around this special pole. it is the pokepole.
Distraction (Kreet 30)
"kreet," brand said quietly while the mind flayer's minions headed towards the exit to meet the mysterious noises outside. "yes?" "close your eyes," he said with a smile.
The falling temple (part 1)
He seemed to remember something like this happening a while back but he looked around and none of his monkey minions were around to help him.
Far more than any of grogar's reanimated corpse minions from long ago. what if i were to craft one in the visage of another natural being? one of great power and skill. my time to escape this oubliette draws near.
Fanfic: DBZ - Freiza's Return
She looked back at the minions. "but i know you don't want to hurt them, figure i'll do it." "just knock them out, don't kill them, alright?" goku asked. "fine whatever." she answered, approaching the two minions.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 56: Caught In A Web Of My Own Intentions (Conclusion)
It is now being operated by two vigilantes who vow to rid world four of the synoptic and its minions by any means necessary....
To The Dragon Lands! Maybe! Chapter 3
Lord nuzid has noticeably more respect for zilthai than her other minions. he had even bothered to learn her name.
Tito's First Love
I said.before i could ask her if she had bf,that ace guy had to come along.ace is a bully to me and others.he always has his pack of juvenile wolf-minions with him.he had white fur and a red mane."hey snito.what's wrong?too stupid to say anything?"
Daggers of Darkness, Book #5: "The First Ones" - Prologue
They made new friends, met and visited with no less than three of the surviving elder races still in the galaxy, fought minions of the dark bloods and even some of the dark bloods themselves.
Chapter Five: Sharp Beaks Near the Great Valley
The defeat of red claw and his minions had prompted chomper and ruby to return back to their families. however, that meant two less playmates. as night fell, they heard another sharp beak cry. it was just one lone sharp beak.