Back in action

Francis shouted as he was going to attacked tsume with the snake sword but it got shot out of his hand by red who held up his gun, red grabbed his old sword as he snapped it changing it into a whip, frances freaked out and started to run but was chained up


Resolutions - Part 7 - July

"a fennec fox who immigrates from algeria to france and finds out that she has feelings for a doe, who's trying to help her get her life set up.

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Drako Tygon and The Apocalypse Queen- ch 1

I got a report on my desk saying that the thief had gone to france. it was about time i visited our labs in paris. i took a plane the next morning (political issues now kept me from flying on my own, something about tax evasion).

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Ah, la Vache !

#1 of fondation changeskin version franã§aise maison du sud de la france, 22 heures. ã‰ric, jeune homme de 20 ans ã©tait devant son ordinateur.

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She waved two tickets in front of me, for that day at noon to none other than paris, france. direct flight, first class. i nearly choked on my bitter coffee when i saw the tickets. not only were they impossible to get, but she was wanted, and...

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Day 0

Walking around, i must have looked a little lost as i had a nice lady with an 'air france' blouse on approach me, she had noticed the english spelt tshirt i was wearing, because she started with, "can i help you?"


Lar: A Brief History

Located between modern-day germany and france, it was simply an area of diverse biomes entirely surrounded by a very thick forest and populated by a large amount of dangerous predators and even more prey animals who used the cover to proliferate without interference

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Tails by the Riverbank

He tilted his head in thought, he had never seen france like that, he only saw the stinking ports just off the themes. he opened the lid and inside was a small collection of buttons, coins and some carefully stowed bank notes.

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The End

Maybe........maybe i wouldn't be kneeling in the middle of what used to be paris, france, staring at the broken and twisted landscape, listening to the dead and the dying, smelling the smoke and the blood.

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Believe – Chapter 23: Last hill

I do not have plans for sunday yet, so if you want to meet up in paris (or disney land france) send me a message here. disclaimer: this is a clean furry story with the topics of the christmas story (and spirit), believes and religion.

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Rekindling - Part 1

"well, my family's historically from france, but there's a ton of materials out there to learn about france, and i remember you saying that there isn't a lot of reference stuff for laos, at least in this town."

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Hope is like a shield.

Muttering about a shipment of parchment and maybe some paper from france,... was overheard. and that signaled a special printing, and who could do the best job of all the apprentices? tim.

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