Lightstreak Character Description
It has no will of its own and except for one special exception, only has a single release that allows the arancar to take on a semblance of their original hollow form per-conversion powers an all.
Thirteen Tales 2020: Tale 8
except, he didn't appear to be getting any younger. that meant he was only getting smaller?
College Transformation Part 4
Breakfast was quiet except for the thunder, and before long mike grabbed his backpack and headed for the door. "i'm going to class now mom." mike called from the door. "mike wait."
Time Measure Money
There is no basis into what the time is except for what everyone agrees on.
Demon Castle Digitalpotato - A Different Kind Of Minotaur
except the lights were off. was the power just shut off occasionally? he noticed that eventually, the escalator seemed to turn. was this like some kind of a spiral staircase?
Transformed Dragons Rescue Center
Trust me, ghilom is a pretty big exception. there isn't much we can do from our side unfortunately, apart from trying to recruit more of them apart from ghilom. he's the only one who can do it, and well, hasn't gotten much success so far.
chapter 2: Motive for madness
Everyone except me of course. "umm that's gonna be pretty hard for me isn't it? as soon as i leave the room i'll be hunted down and sent to the pound or something!"
Amber Silverblood: Rogue Wolf, Chapter Eighteen
A minute later, harry left us inside the security office, empty except for a single overweight guard. he didn't put up nearly as much of a fight as his manager.
Chapter 3: Acquaintanceship
From the looks of it, joji very much resembled his father, except for joji's gray fur.
Under The Blazing Sun (Chapter 1)
He was wearing a slightly tattered, beige cloak, with a lightweight, and equally worn, beige scarf that covered most of his face except for his storm-grey eyes.
Shattered Soul - Windows
Her body covered in the typical markings of a tiger except that rather then being orange and black she was orange and silver. her form was also that of her feline heritage except for the tail.
Bulletproof Heart The Forward
Theusis mostly desert, except for the northern most parts which have been taken over by the forests and snow.