The path Less Traveled, Part 4
The elf kicked me in the back and i jerked awake, reflexively swinging a knife that i took from my bedroll. the elf slapped my hand away and, as i saw it was him, said, "get up," with his usual lazy tone, "brekish wants to talk."
The Unintended Curse ch7
The man went into detail about what the elf looked like, how they'd surprised her in the woods, and how their leader had his way with the elf. "if it hadn't been for that..." belch.
A Night Out, A Night In - Chapter 06 : Stand Off and Stand Down
Snow elf never goes out of style." she stepped back and gave shaasta a sly smile and a wink, posing with a paw resting on fur-clad canted hip.
Your Name Is: Skúmálfar - Chapter 01
Hmmmm looks like an elf to me, fitting for the kind of poisoned mind that occupies your body. so tell me elf, how does it feel to gaze upon this form? oh yes, that look of despair, that is what i've been waiting for, elf.
Destination: Home
Marrelle herself was a beautiful creature, a mix of a felinoid furre and elf, giving her the ears and tail of a feline, yet the immortal graceful look of the elves.
EverQuest Timeline
The teir'dal were driven out and the high elves were allowed to reclaim their city. a group of wood elves and the leatherfoot raiders attack neriak and nearly capturing the teir'dal city.
The Arms Master's Dilemma
"you elf are starting to annoy me," i see gwen's feline guardian sitting next to me. "reign the behavior in elf, gwen is a hunter; not some pampered house wife. you need to recall that, she will have to interact with many people.
Chapter 2: The College Life
It seemes that most elves feet this way about the grand elves. the grand elf stares with his black piercing eyes at both of them, then a younger grand elf runs over. "sir! we found him!
Partners in Crime - Rebellion (1)
The elf known as lyther reported to his partner in crime.
The Hunt for the Star Dragon
Then the elf picks up metal box of meat and lays them on the floor by them. the elf said" my home is one mile under the forest floor. and took 100 year to make it hard to find by a team of elf friends."
Hunting the Visitor
"you are in my home now, elf. will you yield and return to your home?" the stubborn elf turns, searching for me with blade held ready. "i will never yield." "very well."
The Guilded Cage, Ch 9
The coyote didn't revel in serving the elves in such a capacity but, then again, few within st almar thanked the gods for whatever random occupation kept them fed and sheltered.