Pandora's Box 07: Home Enough
She uses drugs, addiction, and hypnotic brainwashing and conditioning to make her slaves need. . . her. an addiction to her body, though it doesn't seem to hurt them until they suddenly need their fix. from another owner, that could be very abusive.
Into the Depths Part 7
I don't think i could stand to be all good, and such light fluffy flowery seems like brainwashing from my standpoint here where good is no good. from this perspective at least. it may change when i am in that reality.
Head nurse... brainwashing powers... rrrgh..." my claws were putting scratches in the brushed metal finish. i took a deep breath and steeled myself against the unknown as i opened the door. come on, donna. it's got a brain in it.
High School and Obedience School
"care to explain why i feel smother then my phone screen... wait the pets, the referring to people as master, the snobby smart people, if people get one bad grade you turn them into animals then brainwash them into being pets to the smart ones... cause, you
Carbon C's story
Ark's big brother, almost fatherly-like figure to carbon made him grow to love him as such, but his loyalty still fell with riz, to no fault of the brainwashing involved with such a dark upbringing.
Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.10: Mall Brawl - Ep05
#5 of lom10 meanwhile, panja and rinami were following the crowd of brainwashed people and trying to figure out what was going on.
Student Body Chapter 5
Hell, i'd probably be at one of those camps they have that brainwash little kids into thinking 'god is everything and everywhere' and just because i like something, that i like something she hates.
Tradewind Vs. Accord
Hypnotizes and brainwashes men into being bondage slave henchmen. claims this is consensual.
Alice Dippleblack in The Jellybane Chapter 4
"brainwash," danahlia provides. "brainwash?" the tokala raises an eyebrow, "what's that?"
Something Fire-Like
His ears swivelled to the words, to the tunes ... brainwashing. this was brainwashing music, and it was playing throughout the school.
Alice Dippleblack in The Jellybane Ch4
"brainwash," danahlia provides. "brainwash?" the tokala raises a brow, "what's that?"
Hypnovember Day 12 - Program
### 12 - Program (Sanmer) Megakat City had not faced a single invasion or attack in weeks. This was generally the norm around winter time. Maybe it had something to do with the season. If any criminal minds were going to make a big public display of...