Adventures in Babysitting (Pichu TF/AR)
Jared was a bit of a "job-hopper." He never quite had to stay put in one place ever since he started working. He started babysitting as a teenage, and various neighbors and friends would pay him to do various tasks for them. Some of the older citizens...
Mystery of Pokerus Prevention
It's been months since the initial outbreak of the Pokerus virus. However, it wasn't any normal case of Pokerus, this version was on that humans could contract, and worse; it was lethal. Despite all of this, no case has proven lethal. This is because...
The Rivalry
Josh and Sam were one of the most well known rivals in their town. Their legend started at young ages, at a simple color contest for the young children. Sam and Josh were both the last contenders standing, with Josh taking away the win. This continued...
The BBQ (4th of July Special)
The Fourth of July had just hit, and Lisa and Ted had invited all their friends to a BBQ at their house. It was a big deal for them. The couple had just recently moved into their house and it would be the first large gathering for them and their...
The Paintbrush (Anthro Amaterasu TF/TG)
Andy was a gifted artist. He quickly rose in the ranks in his local town, soon become a household name nationwide. His pieces would sell for thousands of dollars. Needless to say, Andy was in a nice place. Considering his passion, Andy's house...
Return of Solta (Part 2/2)
Nikki walked out of the cave, and looked towards the directions the two former guards ran. She saw the two new anthro girls start to come around and explore their new bodies. Whether or not they liked their transformation was a another story! Nikki...
Return of Solta (Part 1/2)
Nick was out exploring in a cave. He was an adventurer who was always seeking new treasures and secrets. Nick had read up on his destination, the cave was called Solto Cave. It was a peculiar name, allegedly named after the person who discovered it....
Pokerus Outbreak
Now was a time of terror. There was an infection spreading, luckily it only effected Pokemon. Unluckily, it only effects Pokemon. You see, when a human is objected to it, they become a Pokemon, are sick for a week, and are healthy again, but forever...
The Expedition (Sonic Character TF/TGs)
"This expedition is the greatest one we will ever go on!" said Barry, the leading of the trio of explorers. "Yes, but we know nothing about the temple." said Jack, best friend of the leader "I don't really see how this'll work, how often can...
The New Psychic [COMMISSION]
Tyler ran a blog where he posted various reviews of up and coming businesses. From pizzerias to coffee shops he did them all. Excepting for one particular kind of business. He never went to anything dealing with superstition or future predicts. This...
Don't Mess with the Moons 3 [TF/TG]
The town of Dunwhich was resting easy. The news had finally gone public that the head of the Moons had mysteriously disappeared and was presumed dead. With the moon full, the orange vixen stood perched on the roof of the largest building in town, hand...