Fired Up

Previously on the Amazing Race, our remaining teams got caught up in a game of golf. Then traveled back in time to the good ol' days by using pioneer tools to trisect a giant wooden log. A little romance started to brew between two racers (\*cough\*...

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Slice Of Life

Previously on the Amazing Race, the teams landed in Norway safe and sound. But it was an immediate run to search through ancient ruins then scarf down a traditional meal. Many alliances were formed while a few old ones revamped themselves. Tammy &...

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Hey Now, You're An All-Star (Pt. 2)

Previously on part one the Amazing Race All-Stars premiere, 18 teams from the past returned for a second chance at the million dollar prize; all the teams that you love and love to hate. At the first challenge, teams either had to pop balloons to find...

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Hey Now, You're An All-Star (Pt. 1)

Toner lies on the massage table, ears drooping and sighing softly, even when his favorite masseuse, a thin purple coyote named Quentin, rubs his shoulders softly. "You know what I miss most about her?" Toner asks him, referring to his recent breakup...

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Zootopian Finish (Finale Pt 2)

Previously on part one of the Amazing Race Grand Finale, our teams dug up some carrots and dove underwater for a mystery cooking element. Two alliances were formed and both crumbled under the pressure of the race. Chris finally admitted to Zack about...

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They Don't Carrot All (Finale Pt 1)

Previously on the Amazing Race, after gorging themselves, our Final Four teams started to "horse" around on the track; some more than others. Vito knocked his way into first place for the drivers. The marines came in last, but it was the strippers who...

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Horsing Around

Previously on the Amazing Race, out remaining five teams took a trip to Columbus, Ohio. The marines struggled to maintain their lead but ended up in 4th place... again. Our winners were Vito & Donna. The haters began to make up, agreeing that it was...

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Sigh For COSI

Previously on the Amazing Race, our final six teams traveled to Mississauga for a little interesting adventure. After a stroll through the park, most of our teams tried to chill out in a local yoga school. Chris had a tough time finding his "zen"....

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Just Stay Calm

Previously on the Amazing Race, our teams were torn apart by a tough choice. They either had to drink some shots and try to write their name (with their vision impaired via beer goggles) or send two footballs through a pair of goal posts. The...

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Hawaiian Paradise

On the last leg of the Amazing Race, the remaining teams went to Seattle. Once there, they had to either complete a challenging obstacle course or outsmart the Seattle Seahawks. The bakers found a special power and hindered The Axis by stopping one of...

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Racers vs Seattle Seahawks

On the last leg of the Amazing Race, the remaining 14 visited Mt Rushmore. But they to carry heavy bags and eat the spiciest chips they'll ever eat in their lifetime before they continued. The movie experts surprisingly won and even though the...

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Chapter 2 (Jo)

Hello, or whatever people say here, My mom got me this journal thinking it would be a good idea to express my "feelings" or whatever. Anyways, my name is Jo Stratfield. I'm this close to turning 11 but until then, I'm stuck in a 10-year-old body for...

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