Innovation - 2 + 3, Weapon + Indefinite Motor

What if other countries find out we're building weaponry? they'll try to break in and steal it, and we'll have no choice but to use it on them, simply out of self defense!" [me] "then they won't find out about it."


A mewtwo Story Chapter 1

At any rate he was about to find out just what was in store for him.


Unknown Worlds: MisLeading Goals

Will the dragons find out what is going on? or shall the kingdom fall? oh! foreshadowing! nice. find out on unknown worlds! cue opening! "we do not have the budget for that, neriax! plus..."

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The Fursuit

For a moment, he has the feeling he is the suit, till he find out he is the suit! he can move eveything what he wants, the tail, the jaw, the paws, the ears. his is so excide he scared to death when a voice talk to him. 'hey rick.

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The Twilight Zone

So until you can actually see him again, this odd thing is yours, and you find out that it is a timepiece, with a button on the side.

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- chloe finds out about who she really is, and how she got her powers, which i think that i will actually put that in in the next series.

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Blue: Chapter 4

Black only hoped he never had to find out. he hoped gray was alright. the rabbit was just too sensitive.


The Renewal of Babies chap 2

Snow didn't want to find out, but since it was practically glued to her bottom, she couldn't do anything about it either. snow squinched her face in discomfort, _ooohhh the cheeks...butt cramp overload ooouucchh...

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Hunting Death- Departure

If i can find out what this elf is doing and then leave without the elf even knowing i am even in the area then so much the better.


The Unique Snivy And His Big Adventure: Charter 4 Mystery Pokemon

out that you can be a helpfull pokemon by doing requests jason becomes motivated to help and gives every pokemon in the a big push towards helping to so they all agree to help for the first tryouts of criminal capturing, how will it turn out find out next

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Watership Down - Blueberry's Tale, Chapter 11

"you find out when you get to it." blueberry blinked and came to a stop, feeling birch behind him hop right into him as he blinked. "what do you mean, we find out when we get there? it was a simple question i asked?"

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