Moment in a Truck (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The phoenix found herself abruptly awake by the sound of the teargas canister bouncing off of the truck's windshield. From the same pool of self control that prevented her from igniting the bench seat's upholstery, she merely rolled onto her back to...

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A Desperate Dalliance (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The frame of the ship could be heard to strain from the sustained posture of flanking speed, while Captain DeCaro paused to collect his thoughts. His hand pressed firmly into the scanner pad, to lend his embedded credentials to his orders, he nodded...

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First Prayers (Otherwise Untitled)

~ With the first duty cycle of her first tour complete, Gloria rummaged through the top drawer in her modest living quarters. The notebook carefully wrapped in a prayer rug was tucked away right where she'd safely stowed it. She knew of the teachings...

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Course Correction (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The bridge was a soft chatter of communications traffic amongst the fleet and a wild symphony of grumble out of the frame of the well worn ship. Admiral Sligh leaned back into his seat with a depressed sigh, preparing to hold his composure as he saw...

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Glazed and Stubborn (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The mule set the tiny clay sheep and glaze covered brush down on the table of the ceramics workshop as he fixed the husky with a glare. "I don't recall asking your opinion.", raising his left hand into a fist between himself and the husky, "..and I'm...

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Motel Pool (Otherwise Untitled)

~ Greg floated amicably in the motel pool, shifting position to look up at the jackalope standing alongside. "The water's fine, I swear.", the fox teased to Linda. The jackalope shrugged indecisively, "My illusions don't hold up well to standing...

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A Sprint on Fumes (Otherwise Untitled)

~ Staff Sergeant Flint switched the diagnostic box over to its third mode, calling down the hallway. "Okay, now throw bus B." The panel on the tool sprang to life, taking readings and indicating its progress towards a conclusion. He glanced down the...

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Hazard Lights (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The coyote's finger's dug into the steering wheel, her own pulse and breathing all she could hear. Everything was hanging in place, as though seen through the fog of a dream. The hissing and wheeze of the car's engine buried into the soft dirt of the...

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Dinner and Game (Otherwise Untitled)

~ With one hand occupied by a bag of groceries, the elderly German Shepard fumbled for a bit with the keys held in his other. Well practiced with arriving home, he didn't take much delay to get to the kitchen where he rested the bag on the counter....

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A Moment Later (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The classroom was a dusty silence, as the sounds of the occupants breaking settled into place. It wouldn't be long until the loud crack and smoulderings' smoke summoned teachers and more. Harriet, pressing her back and wings into the corner she'd...

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Games and Noise (Otherwise Untitled)

~ With the shower of flashing lights and garishly rattling music, Jake stared intently at the trio of metal bottles some yards away on their platform. The dragon's knuckles flexed around the second of the three balls his payment had secured. The kobold...

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Low Mumbling (Otherwise Untitled)

~ The taller rabbit stared into the face of her sister, struggling to bring words to her breath. Alongside them both, family and friends they'd never really known shuffled to the exit in the back of the room. The funeral parlor was sinking into an...

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