The End Won't Faze Me -Chapter 1- Better Safe Than Sorry

I pulled the trigger and sent the first round slamming into his head, throwing his body limp and crashing to the floor with an errant twitch. even with the gecko down, i refused to allow my body or mind to relax yet.

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The Apocalypse Day of Reckoning Part 3

Sylvr swung the m2hb around and started to squeeze the trigger but stopped "i don't think that's a zombie" he mumbled, still keeping his finger on the trigger.

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Isolation-Excerpt 26-Treetop Labs

, a young sounding voice shouted, "shove that monster down it's throat and pull both triggers!"

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WC/LotW C2

Cut scene- this is triggered as you walk close to some kids talking, you over hear them telling stories about the uber wolf which makes you realize it's a more well known story then you thought, they then speak of a treasure somewhere in a nearby temple

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Hawkstone Road

"remember" the bull whispers "don't pull the trigger until you can see the whites of their eyes." hill grins at this statement and pulls the trigger, the enemy's head exploding into a thousand bloody fragments.

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Prologue to "Feral"

And theo had just snuffed all of that out with the simple pull of a trigger. his mourning however was short lived.


Under the Shifting Wastelands

She took a short deep breath in before breathing out as her finger squeezed the trigger back towards her.

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Windows to the Soul - chap. 21-22 - by Skyfox

Storm adjusted his aim, looked at the target, and pressed the trigger button.

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The Imp

You both stand there motionless, you frozen by fear and the abomination just watching, and as your finger slowly finds its way over to the trigger the creature gives out a loud screech.

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chapter nine: learning more

"trigger..." she whimpered moments after he slammed the door. she sat in the silence before she heard a small tap at the door. "who is it?" she asked sliding to the door peaking through the small peak hole.


A Case Best Left Untouched Part 5

He was fully focused on mello and was ready to pull the trigger at any time. mello stopped and stared at his gun. he pointed it at sora and they had a full paw stare off.

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Final Preparations

And lastly: don't hold the trigger down. pull the trigger, then release. you'll get the most out of yer shots in controlled bursts, and you'll conserve ammo in the process."

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