Night Brings Discovery

She took a deep breath from her nose and the sharp stench of gunpowder and lust stung her nostrils, making her eyes grow dark with anger.

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Ander - Part 4: Subchapter 45

But underneath all that was another smell, a putrid stench that invaded her lungs against her will and, once noticed, was impossible to ignore.

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Cold Magic

Dust and decay's stench clogged her nose, punctuated by the creak of bone rubbing on bone. kadri rolled, tapping the aid of her djinn of swiftness, enhancing the lynx's already honed reflexes.

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Walking in Paws Ch2

The door opened, and a vile stench immediately filled my nostrils. the doctor came around the curtain holding the arm out. blood dropped slowly out of the dead limb onto the floor.

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In Deep Chapter 1 Supplies and Demands

He was a sorry looking pig, oil stains splattered over his overalls with a thick stench that assaulted, brutalised and ruined the senses even over the scent of exhaust from his truck.

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Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 45

But underneath all that was another smell, a putrid stench that invaded her lungs against her will and, once noticed, was impossible to ignore.

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NCOD monologue

\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* we're standing at the mcdonalds in the little town where everything closes at nine, the stench of tobacco and gasoline waft freely, and where you literally have to wear camo in order to camouflage

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Evac Day +254

Even walking down a street, there is no escape from the withered and decaying forms, their putrid, nauseating stench, or their horrible, hollow eye sockets. they lay where they fell.

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Under the Influence (part 1)

"under the influence" by: lazarusdadwagon if not the loud bang of the front door, i could tell by the stench. my father was home. i sighed, rolling onto my back, my rather fluffy comforter settling into place on me.

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Darkfyre awoke to the usual sight and stench of the cot and hovel once occupied by a one crogk goblinfurre. dreary. it had been an entire month already, since his official indoctrination into the horned frog thaumaturgica.

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One night.... (The unoficial continuation) pt3

Rocks and sticks dug into the flesh of the great beast, leaving a trail of blood and a stench to accompany it. standing up, a low, short growl escaped from my muzzle.

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Tale of the Wind Goddess Chapter 2

Amber puts up a force field so we couldn't smell the stench as we talked. amber was a fire fairy, but no ordinary one though. in fact she always wore this cow girl outfit as her clothes.
