Lost and Found

A moving silhouette shimmered in the heat waves and the scent of another struck her nose. shivers danced up and down her spine causing her fur to stand on end as though in fright. she dared not to move further, and again, she whimpered.

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August 8: Ghost Pictures - After

Yes it was dark, but you could make out the silhouettes in the area. and indeed, each of them had a creepy atmosphere. shun-kun, putting down the photo he held with a quick motion, got up from his seat and asked if we wanted something to drink.


The Cliff.

A cool wind wraps around the shaded figure, its body but a black silhouette in stark relief against the full moon beyond him, like a circular frame that almost, but not quite captures the shadowed person as it shivers, looking down.

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Ander - Chapter 4, Subchapter 44

He watched the window... the silhouette of the cora and the towering pines lightly illuminated by the moon... shadows among shadows... and he listened. the minutes flowed by like leaves on a stream, and then he heard it: the screams of a horse in pain.

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Beyond The Spectrum: Chapter 2: The Meeting(That changed my life)

The creature tripped into a small clearing, still enveloped by the small but dense fog but visible to see its silhouette.

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The Otter

His dreams all involved nothing but silhouettes. nothing made any sense at all. in one dream, there was an otter-shaped silhouette. andrew watched it's body move as if it were made of the same water that it made it's home in.

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New Generation of Heroes: Chapter 4 - "Manifest Destiny"

"_ the hazy silhouette uncrossed its arms--the motion seemed to stir up a wind gust--and rhy looked down (for the white suddenly took up the concept of physical space, that of a cave belly, and he and the silhouette were deep within it beside a bonfire, a

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 59

Their cries bouncing around the tight walls of the chilly coffin, without any space to vent out from they painted silhouettes of draconic demons on the freezing canvases.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 17

Corner of his eyes caught the silhouette of dark spyro. what that thing was doing here? he groaned, his stomach rumbled, he could feel pressure building up from his belly and moving towards his mouth, an incoming eruption like in a volcano.

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Just Another Night's Job....

The curtains of room 603 were drawn but a soft glow from an unknown light source illuminated the silhouettes of his target and his business partner. the reptile's breath was slow, almost non existent as he watched through his scope.

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The Unknown Soldier

These corpses lying now hollow, and void of life he once called brothers, but now they are nothing more than silhouettes, reminders of why he is here.

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Tale of Tails Prologue

With one last look over his shoulder he caught a glimpse of his savior, the silhouette of a man pulling a blade from his belt and turning to face the pursuers in order to buy the boy some more time.

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