Those Bygone Dog-Star Days - Chapter 17 of 37

Heat shimmered off the aluminum van, but a shady respite was found in the awning above the order window. few patrons stayed to mill around the van and sought shade elsewhere.

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Blackness O Thy Wings

Lysandora acknowledges that, my shady activities, as i hope she would. i would not expect less from such a competant owly lover. i stick a smoke in my beak, lighting it and gusting a few puffs from my nares.

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Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.08: Dancing no Bara - Ep14

"anyway, these papers you're holding show that khan's been conducting some kind of shady experiments. i don't know what he's up to, but it got something to do with something called ab-005.

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Greenwood - Leo Investigation

"i suspect he's running around in some pretty shady circles. university is expensive, and he used to complain about not having enough money until he bought a luxury phone a few weeks ago and paid for rounds every saturday."

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Rodents... the smaller, more "shady" characters... i hated being stuck within that stereo-type. i was a mongoose, not a rat.

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The Madness of Mrs. Frank

Sighing lonesomely, i resumed once again, to line the pentacle i had created with strings of runes from a book of ill repute obtained by someone of equally shady disposition.

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Goodbye, Tomorrow; Chapter One: City of Lights, City of Death

The fur soon finds the side street he's looking for--this one was barren, only a few shady-looking furs walking it. katz turns, and begins heading for a bar a little distance along the street, a small place he's familiar with.

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Life of a Little Killer : Prologue

"your pay is in your account" said the shady voice. i sighed in relief as i loosened up my muscles, i looked over to my laptop and saw the amount we agreed upon show up on my balance.

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Lonely Oak Chapter 45

Having only been awake for just a few minutes, she began to feel the fog of sleep carry over her again, the quietness of their little bubble so shady and trainquil. _vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvrt!

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GIBM Case Study 1355

"it seems kinda shady, but you're the poorest bastard i know, so i can't tell you not to go.

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History Lesson 9

Play as her in shady lewd kart posted using postybirb every kobold in the chamber bows before their new leader, but when tikana looks down, smoke streaming out of her nostrils, she sees tik tik and scowls, before she looks to the rest of her subjects and

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August 5: Apples, Mixers, and Photos

Just add black coats and hats along with a film noir atmosphere and we would have ourselves a shady mafia trade scene. "don't you think it's time to get a new one?" kounosuke said. "i don't think so," shin-kun said, smiling.
