
Traders, and slave traders there first attack was the most devastating. they took over 25/30 kids in the orphanage, and out of that 25, 4 lived to become toys for the highest bitter. the remaining 5 of us fought them off until all of us had been captured.


Life of A Demon

I kept on shouting to him, "what the fuck is wrong with you?! kill me already! damn you i said kill me you fucking asshole!" again, he only proceeded to shoot at certain areas on my body while i screamed again and again.

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Prolouge to Sexy Justice

She dipped her fingers into sex and reached. she impossibly buried her paw into herself, until she was up to her elbow. then she pulled her arm out and held what seemed to be a dark katana handle.

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Gortoz 'A Ran - ch 61 - At my expense...

That she only kept me around for the sex... a fuck-toy, if you will, meant to be cast aside whenever you don't need it while i wanted to be so much more to her... it really hurt when she gave me the impression that i meant nothing else to her...

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 4

He really wanted the black dragon to fuck off already. "what do you want?" he hissed through clenched teeth "watch a girl for me" the red dragon burst out laughing, joy filled with bitter satisfaction.

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Astral High - Chapter 37

[me] "okay, if it's something about sex, than i'm disappointed in you, ted." [daniel] "it's not sex, it's really magical!" [garrick] "well, unless it's blue magic." [titus] "magic, what?" [daniel] "wow, way to break the joke, titus."

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The Lords of Elemestara (prolog)

He found nephry's offer to be very attractive indeed, fire lord pele as his personal slave and sex toy.

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Buddies-The Move In

She hated to act of selling them as pets or to most others,sex toys. she bit her bottom lip nervously. should she had taken a different course? should she had went off to a special one topic school?

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Body and Sole

Right now, you're basically one giant sensory fuck toy," the hyena tells you in a low, sensual whisper as she bends her leg with surprising flexibility to bring you up to her muzzle.

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The Beasts and Brave - Epilogue

The fact that some demi-god is playing with us and toying with wereanimals alone freaks me out, but the fact my beast's capabilities have caught his attention, freaks me out more.

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My World of Pain (CH 1)

I saw blood pooling all around and i turned to see this...thing with my blood all on its claws, laughing like like i was some kind of toy. "you taste so good!" its said, licking my blood of its claws. "now time for dinner!"

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