I lied, a little.

After i had been reunited... i... don't understand... i'm back with the avarosan's... they... said they'd found me surrounded in bodies of soldiers... frostguard they said...

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The Sand Castle

That thought brings tears to my eyes as their soul cries out to be reunited with its source, just like mine longs for the pieces i've given away too.

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Max and Luke chapter two

Max had finally made it back to his house, and straight into his mothers arms. had he not been up to her shoulders he would have reminded you of a little lost kid, finally reunited with his mom after being left alone in an isle of the supermarket.

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Lament of the Moon S&H - Ch.08: Dancing no Bara - Ep09

In fact, they grew tenfold the moment she reunited with him last night at the circus.

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And so the day the young purple dragon finally managed to reunite with the faun once more must have been the happiest day of his life yet. they were currently enjoying coffee (brewed by none other than gavin himself) near the well in stone hill.

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The aftermath of the creatures that would prowl around unsuspecting persons just trying to return to their homes and reunite with their families.

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Rebirth ch33

"if it pleases you, i shall release your child here and now, to be reunited with you."

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How it Ends.

In healing, she released kalokin from his sworn duty of protecting the world from her, upon which time he reunited with his own long-thought lost ephemera.

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Master Stinky - part 4

The ferret was his pet before untill he had escaped from his cage, and now they had reunited. "oh my goodness, it's been so long, why are you out here?"

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Master Stinky - part 3

The ferret was his pet before untill he had escaped from his cage, and now they had reunited. "oh my goodness, it's been so long, why are you out here?"

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Creation [Lore Information]

What this all means is that alexander selenveen is destined to reunite creation like his family did in ancient times before his own time. this in turn would make him heir to the throne of all creation.

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The Silver Renomon Series The Between Years Prolog to Book Two

Tamers and digimon are reunited. kithira is given an office at hypnos commands newest office in spokane washington, along with the rest of alpha team, kithira's old unit. (this is almost two years after the end of book one.)
