The Wolf of Ragnorok

Losing to a female is like getting their manhood cut off to them. do not change the subject. you wanted to hear my story so i'm telling you. loki and his giantess wife had the three of us in winter. we grew up in that winter.

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A New Life: Part 1 - The Beginnings

I racked my brain for answers as to why i felt so different, and eventually it struck me as to what had changed. ...i took a creeping glance down to my groin to see that where there once would have been my manhood, it was now replaced by the parts of the

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Challenges: Chapter 1 "Wrong Mind Set"

Charlie's sheath was pulsing with the tip of his manhood peeping out._ _itchy licks charlie's muzzle reassuringly, that can wait for a little while, i'm still sore from the last time i had a run in with that monster._ _charlie answers back, awww, c'mon itch

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Ragnarok - XIV

Varr cried, smiting the table with his clanking fist, "this is no summer afternoon, for games of manhood bragging! this is no beer hall for drunken oafs to strip, and flex, and crow at their own wine-inflated strengths! this is war council!

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Ragnarok - V

And even as a boy untested by the trials of manhood, universe, and war i had beheld without emotion worse than holes overlarge many times before.

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Pokerus Outbreak

"irene's new aura and manhood are confusing him, he'll get used to it after a while, being a lucario takes time to get used to." jeff explained to the last human kyle. "meta, meta meta(how do you know all of this, irene hasn't said anything?"

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The fruits of her labor

If she ever saw him again she swore she would cut off his manhood with her claws and spare other females the misfortune she now fou- ah! she let out a surprised yelp as the next contraction caught her completely off guard.

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Jahaliya : Jungle Jahaliya Chapter 4

Tina felt her own body heat rise in response to the sight of the ready male and his enormous manhood. "he saved all of us and helped me move you two here to his home.

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A Different Kind of Costume Party (Pokemon TF/TG)

From behind him, chris grew a large, yellow tail and along with womanhood in place of his manhood, making her a rather nice delphox woman.

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New Slave

It is completely naked, except for a small sign covering its manhood which reads, "please master?" rahz continues on, however.

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Another Love Story: Chapter 2 - Another fateful encounter.

I could've swore that my pants got tighter by the second and i did whatever i could to draw attention away from my growing manhood. i was so embarrassed and my face was flushed with red.

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Bad Time For Fools

He let out a sharp yelp and fell to the ground again, holding his twice injured manhood. "well i'm sure you get the message now," she said as flokie fell to his knees and groaned loudly.
