TMF-Ep19-Training the current members-

johnny feeling a bit awkward using water later felt a lot more comfortable using it after kevin lionheart helped him gain more confidence with it.

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Kurt: an unsuspected surprize

(the beginning) "ok now we have a small problem the only fighter that can measure up to you is johnny wilkes and he is 11." she said and at this some of the 20-40 year olds chuckled "but do you still want to fight?" she asked "yes."

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Presto - Chapter 3

Even so, he chuckled to himself that this experience would be so amusing as a couch chat on johnny corso. "you know johnny, they say i'm an overnight sensation, but oh, yeah, i put in my dues.

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We Didn't Start The Fire (for Rydia)

Make a gmail account free i pull away as ethan's back, ready the tomato attack you don't want ethan, so you say, we hook up the same day school email has its risks, i can't email you or you'll get it two-day silence, furrynetwork, time to start the rps johnny's


musket prologue: chapter 2

.** **sibley was leading us from fort ridgely, to put down an uprising from the santee. when we reached wood lake, we were ambushed by indians, i later found out that the indians were sioux led by a man named little crow. the indians did not fight like johnny

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[Article] Commander Opinions: Competitive Players

[image]( there's no doubt that the format caters to all player types; spike, johnny, timmy and vorthos/melvin all love the absolute freedom there is to deckbuilding.

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Pure Love pt2

Just when i thought they were going to angry they all cheered and i felt amazing like i just accomplished something great, i heard 'you're amazing', 'nice voice', 'great job' i felt great, i went into the house to find mom making breakfast, my brother, johnny

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TMF-Ep13-The First Ordeal-

Thomas,harry,johnny and lucas were doing everything in their powers to fight the monster but were losing badly.

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Story Starter Scene #1: "Dynamite"

I selected the user johnny tikitavi's words to use for this scene. as this was just an excercise meant to increase creativity, it has not been edited yet and took a total of thirty minutes to draft. please leave any constructivs criticsms you may have.

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Love At First Sight

"cindy, you're supposed to be dancing with me," johnny said. cindy elbowed him. "shut up and have some punch." she swam over towards kazuke and tenko, pushing tenko aside and grabbing kazuke, dancing away.

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Not So Different (Dragon hunter #2)

'johnny's mom' sat next to shadow to help him with the twins. i settle myself in the center of the group and i tell them of what i learned a year ago.

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Religious Nuts (Dragon Hunter #2)

He fed my johnny to it the other day because he wanted to marry his daughter." the old woman waves her hand around, "the crazy man wants to save her for a good marriage. how many men her age exist here? none now that my johnny is dead."

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