Digging in the Dirt, part 1

"my kind aren't really built for these sort of feelings... infatuation and romantic love makes my head spin- literally!" she confided she paused and looked at ursa intently. "i know the nature of the game...

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Homecoming (Chapter 2)

There was no lust in her affection, no kind of childhood infatuation manifesting itself in teenage need. this first kiss was purely a signal that she truly and deeply cared for him, adored him, loved him. no more, no less.

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[TF] Perfect Chord

It tapped into the deepest desires, fears, and envies of its listeners, spurring on infatuation, awe, and sadness. it was also quite difficult, requiring a chieftain as talented as pao' tu to elegantly perform it.

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A Nice Getaway [Commission]

As barbara is infatuated with the nightlife of the beach while ben still gets ready. as he finds his lighter in his pocket, he carries the box and calls to barbara. "hey, let's go down by the beach!" he says, barbara's eyes light up and she happily nods.

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Dominion Khajiit Chapter 1

She isn't just dedicated to the dominion, she's infatuated with me. she is constantly trying to get my attention. i will bet you gold, she wants to bed me!" "oh gods, that's horrible!" another elf said. "a khajiit? that's just- ew!" zaahni frowned.

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Friendly Direction: Chapter 5

I've had good friends keep me from throwing myself at you in the early days of my infatuation, but let me tell you, i never wanted to just be your _friend_!" janet cried openly now. "janet i'm sorry," indigo reached out to embrace her.

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March On

Simple infatuation, born out of desperation to be cared about by someone after so long without, or was it more than that? love was such a foreign concept to her, she couldn't tell. she shifted the mental train back to azure.

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Something About This Night

." #### #### i couldn't tell if michael was infatuated or intimidated, but i spoke for my own opinions, "i'm not scared of reese cup." i sneered. #### #### "great! awesome! after the race i'll meet ya in the media center.

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Love is Abloom

If her own sister didn't see a problem with her infatuation, then maybe there was hope for a relationship after all. once applejack and the resident pony's transactions were complete, they headed off toward the next residence.

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"_everyone_is so infatuated with you, thinking you are the best heroes that the world has ever known. if it was not for you, there would be no need for heroes!

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Tragedies Written Under a Midnight Sun - Chapter 2: Heartbeats and Heartstrings (A Sonic Fanfiction)

Frostfire hadn't the foggiest idea as to how to deal with this newfound infatuation. she looked over at the hedgehog, drumming away and sighed deeply. "it's just a fascination, nothing more..." frostfire replied somberly.

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Your Reign

It was sad that i was so infatuated with a fur - especially a male fur. i wasn't normally attracted to guys, but there was just something about this lab that drew me into him. he was so refined, so quiet and strong. he had it all together.

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