Pandemic-Day 36 11:43 AM 12/31/2022-Chapter 6-Route Change
gas, paper products, canned food in the backs of a couple cars and two metal gas cans off one of the big rigs. i was able to fill them both with the diesel left in the rigs. for me it was work, but for raf, not so much. "we can make it fun",raf said.
Chapter 15 (Wendell)
"hey, before we get on any highways, we need to stop for gas." i say as i'm driving. "ok." we pull up to the gas station towards the middle of town. i tell todd to stay in the car. i go over and put some gasoline in the car.
But blurr soon told them another reason why they must go for they're almost low on gas in which not sure when and if theres another gas station before they're all empty. plus theres some resturunt where the humans can eat and such as well.
Herdnan- Chapter Twenty- Two
He pumped the gas pedal a few times to prime the engine and then tried starting the car. the starter spun, but nothing happened. he pumped the gas again and tried it again.
Priyanka's Caffeinated Coffee Consumption Chaos!
It felt empty as far as priyanka could tell too, going by how she wasn't orally expelling gas at all upon pressing her right hand into her belly.
MSBA- Processing
I hold my breath for a minute, not knowing what all it may be but find that it's just normal air, like what the other gas mask was doing.
Workplace Harrassment
But it didn't take too long for him to get his bearings and tack over towards the gas station, coming down fast towards the roof in a dive.
patches fart
Rebound and cupcakes said aww it kinda stunk up the whole tunnel and lucky cookie and niblet and squirt holding there nose and they grab patches take him outside released him outside finish his bad gas.
Poem #45: Imagination
_imagination_ mind is a liquid of life flowing with two others representations of life and of death water threshold of existence gas with gas and air create liquid that breathes a liquid that nurtures an entity that crushes the
Behind Those Red Eyes Ch.1
Unfortunately, i didn't get far enough away before the tank exploded spreading the gas infecting everyone in the general area.
In the Service of Mystery (Pt. 22)
Having rolled the pizza menu into a tight tube, i lit the paper with the match and held the burning end to the flow of gas. another _whoomph_ and the gas ring caught. 'genius.' said anna.
The sun will always rise (explanation)
** _ this story is about a advanced form of the rabies virus (zombie virus) being released but the soldiers know it as a "gas attack" it was released by a jihad terrorist known as alkrad the entail gas settled after an hour fell and lost its affect, but it