Two-Step Revival
field hesitated. was he just to hand over vials of spider venom to ma sparta? adelaide, too, had her worries, but ... just nodded to field.
The tragic tale of Bunny Fufu.
Little bunny fufu was running through the forest scooping up the field mice and bopping them on the head.
Grand Duel Academy: Tournament: Shimmer 1
While super crashbug is on the field, it makes the attack and defense stats of all monsters on the field swap!
"it's only the first half, field," said aria ... " ... tell me you're not gonna explode by evening's end?" "aria," said field, a tad annoyed. eyes wide. she stuck her tongue out at him. grinning.
Big Springs
field's eyes had welled with water. "i didn't mean it," peregrine insisted. "field ... " "i just wanna help," field had muttered, crying without sound. leaving (with less energy than he'd had upon coming).
Shiny Pennies on Parade
And field could see the holes in her. see all the spilled. ma was wracked by a terrible sadness. one she would never admit to having. watching ma, in a way ... it made field sad.
Bluebirds Fall
field nodded shyly to their server, who smiled at them and left ... field eyed the bread-stick basket. "i worked in a restaurant," field said, "full-time. for a year and a half ... after i failed out of school," he whispered, "the first time." he paused.
Something Fire-Like
The tiger asked, squinting at field. again. nose flaring. field tensed. instincts telling him to run, and knowing the tiger's instincts ... were urging him to attack. to kill. to toy.
While We Decompress
"field!" field tugged his mask off ... with a paw. slumping against the wall. sinking slowly to the floor. whimpering. "field," adelaide said, more softly now. kneeling beside him. "darling ... " she put a paw on his cheek. he felt cold.
Grand Duel Academy: Chapter 5
I activate my field spell, madolche chateau! rose: f-field spell?! the field changes, as they were now in the courtyard of a massive cake and candy castle. rose; wait, madolche? i thought that you used evilswarms!
Betting on Trains
It reminded the mouse of his high school field trips. but, he thought to himself, at least he hadn't gotten the old "hey, field, i bet you love field trips" routine ... "hey, field, this trip's for you!" not that the mouse didn't have a sense of humor.
The Inner Light
field smiled and said, "probably not." "well, then you'll be fine. you won't fall apart," pyro assured. akira chitter-squeaked ... and gurgled. and stretched ... in field's arms. getting antsy. "she tired?" "probably," field said.