Battle Report: ReHistory - 003
Dear Melissa, I hope this letter finds you well. It's been a while since I last wrote, and I apologize for it. Things have been rather hectic here, and, up until now, I just haven't been able to find the time to sit down and get in touch with...
Note To Readers
Well, this has been one terrifying journey for some of you I'm sure, for others, maybe it was a much needed well in a barren desert of bad fanfics. Either way, thanks guys for all the feed back and for making this one of the best and most well doing...
Final Excerpt-To The Gates Of Hell
Alcatraz and I did not sleep at all that night, as most of it was spent in paranoid fear. We could hear Martin's abominations circling us, hiding just out of the influence of our lights and my telekinetic field. There had to be hundreds of them, at...
Isolation-Excerpt 39-Hmanity VS Machinery
Alcatraz and I walked for about 12 hours after the encounter with the Rhino. The sun was merciless the entire way. My downpipes were fully open the entire time and I felt like someone had wrapped me in a blanket of white hot metal. As much of an...
Isolation-Excerpt 32-Area 7
The next morning, everyone was up at around 6 in the morning. James and the other starting packing up everything we had made regular use of for these past few weeks while Magellan and I got ready for the trip to Area Seven. After some talk, Mike had...
Isolation-Excerpt 37-Back To Start
I'm not sure how long I spent on that floor, but when I woke up, it was to the sound of gun fire a little ways down the hall. Though my brain felt like it was on fire and moving made me feel like I would throw up, I picked myself up anyway. I had no...
Isolation-Excerpt 36-The Devil's Face
I'm not exactly sure what happened after that as I began to drift into an out of conscious. I could hear the tank crushing rocks above us, though I couldn't hear of the electric motors so I assumed they were still disabled. A few of the rocks were...
Isolation-Excerpt 35-Heavy Metal
I sat down in the doorway, letting the launcher fall to my side as I watched the ballistic misses carry their deadly cargo into orbit. The glow from their exhaust was still lighting up the entire launch platform. For the first time in my life, I had...
Isolation-Excerpt 34-True Intentions
For the next couple of hours, nothing much happened. We had dinner, took showers played a bit on our PDA's and talked about what we needed to do to keep Martin as delayed as possible and keep Sarah in enough resources to find a vaccine for Red star at...
Deep Space - Chapter 7, Unfortunate
"So... What's it like on that thing of yours?" Skjorn was sitting in a wheely chair, while we were beginning to power up the Cyan Wasp. "It's called the Infinatum, and it's a lot better down here than up there." I may have been reluctant to accept the...
Innovation - Prologue, Project Innovate + Chapter 1, Magnetic Sequencing
Prologue \* \* \* Project Innovate \* \* \* I walked up to the podium, standing in front of some two or three hundred people, stretching the entire staff of Theorium Industries as thin as possible. My parents were there, my fiance was there, and...
Discovery - Chapter 5, Forgotten
Running from a massive, seven ton monster with six legs is a lot easier than you'd think, especially when the trees around you don't make sense. We dodged the trees with agility and speed, but the monster slammed head first into one of them and...