More discontinuities appear - familiar outlines surrounding the two reactor cores: the translucent, crystalline shells of a pair of iridescent, interconnected by tendrils made of the same material as the shells itself, running along the superstructure and
Anthropomorphic, Science Fiction, Scifi, Space, Starborne, Wolf
Then an idea struck her just as she was concerning herself with the discontinuity she felt seeing herself sitting in the east wing with mimrus and the sensations of her body that told her she was still sitting at the bottom catacombs below the palace.
Decadent, Dragon, Dragoness, Fantasy, Fat, Feral, Magic, Nonanthro, Obese, Story, Weight Gain, corrupt, empire, nonanthropomorphic, spoiled, unfinished
And eventually discontinued them. leaving many of their... 'stock' here." they all glanced out at the room full of crates, just now noticing that they could probably fit an entire body in one... "what does yours say, kassel?"
Avian, Blessthefall, Blue, Brown, Drama, Gnoll, Gray, Hollow Bodies, Kass, Kassel, Red, Resonance, Stigborg, TM Revolution, Taute, Tobyas, dragonite