Ember Tails, ch3 (pt.4)
#14 of ember tails here we have kira meet the third and final couple that the adoption agent identified for her. unlike the other two couple, they meet at this couple's house, letting the young vulpix see into their lives.
Fair Fortune
Willsbury thinks that we're a--" "couple?" cameron completed. "how did you--?" "first it was this picture i found in my wallet," cameron said, holding it out for greg to see.
Bonnie's and Clyde's Last Strike - Draft
**Cast:** **Jasmine Notte Ladro** (Means Night Theif in Italian) **:** Early 30s, Master Thief/Cat burglar: Posing as secretary: Wife of Jemoth, caring and sensitive, but sly and cunning given the situation. Excellent liar. Arthur knows her as Clara...
A Day at the Beach
She turned back around and let out a soft shriek as she noticed a slim figure standing a couple hundred feet away, silhouetted against the darkness; his whip-like tail flicking.
Chasing the Sun - Chapter 38: Gentle Knocks
Kevin rested his hands on his waist. As he leant on the bar beside Jeremy, he gazed over the dance floor. The bear said it was very crowded during the summer holiday but now it was back to normal, even at this time of the day. While it was still as...
Published form of Untouchable
Plus, mom and dad wanna retire from being the alphas and are putting zach and me forward as the next couple." xander placed his order with the panther. sharron as alpha wouldn't be that different from her dad, i guess. he leaned toward sharron.
A Day at the Waterpark
Sometimes when a good thing happens, you want to go out and celebrate it. Today, for example, was something to celebrate because Mattock had just gotten the Big Raise at work, and what better way to celebrate a raise than to go out and spend it all and...
prequel to GOJ/GNY chapter 6
Chapter 6-Hakuro/Kurotora and light Bayonetta/Yuki Yaoi, Yuri, labor, and mpreg The forest was crawling with bugs and small animals. Two dogs were walking through searching under leaves and roots. "Damnit, I can't believe that Akame made us go all...
Lovin' A Feline Chapter 6
"yeah, they hooked up as a couple last night," nicholas answered. "at least she's found true love instead of trying to hit on one of us guys who are taken.
prequle to GOJ/GNY chapter 4
Chapter 4-Great/Uzuki Yaoi "How are you lately, Great?" asked Uzuki who had walked up to him. "Oh I'm fine Uzuki, thanks for asking." replied Great. "I was just eating some bird I caught yesterday." he said. "Have you heard about Minazuki?" said...
Organic Blackberries
Summer's getting closer and closer to ending; the days are still long, and it's certainly hot enough that I don't need to wear anything more than my forest-green gym shorts; I could do without the slight sweat on my lightly gray front fur, but I'll...
Star Fox: Changes of Love Chapter 8 Staying in Town, Part 2
It was dark now in Corneria. Fox and Wolf were sitting on a bench together in a park that was somewhere near the center of the city. They were sitting in silence now over the short outburst that the vulpin had earlier. Fox was feeling like a total...