Shifting Shadows- A Character Study, Odd Perspective
The creature could cope with pain. hunger was worse. it finally planted its feet on a windowsill and threw its bulk at the meat sack in front of it. its muzzle unclasped. the firehammer was out of fire.
...Falls Apart
I cannot expect her to cope when i suddenly reverse myself in this way. it is rather like i've betrayed her." "huh?" said daucery politely. "shan't expect you to understand. we've considered you a lost cause from the start.
Mother of two
Of course there were certain aspects about my job which i found most difficult to cope with... but those weren't the poopy diapers or a kid throwing a tantrum... no...
Fallen Kingdoms of Baruun: Broken Shackle (Preview)
"that's the secret to coping with a hard life; drink until it hurts to think, and then you don't want to think at all." "i'd like to believe there are other means of coping," devaki returned in a glib tone.
Gemini – Chapter 6: Clashing Opinions
This was all too much for him to cope with for today, "i'm going to bed." he said to himself, and with that he decided to get some sleep before he was to be called back into duty once more.
Jared and Gnat - Part Six - You Love Me
I do it to cope with the guilt of what i've done to my friend; my best and only fucking friend. when you see musicians taking drugs, you think it's cool.
Journal Entry 1
The neverending nerves and anxiety i cope with are exhausting, taking the last of the energy i could afford to give away. i arrived at this place called london org. less than 48 hours ago.
Wildtouched Species Data
While wildtouched are immune to many human diseases because of this, speculation is that they may have their own diseases to cope with.
Something Different: Prologue
The constant internal struggle he faced just to get out of bed would drive most mad within days, but he had learned to cope somehow, probably the years of doing it.
Project Azura: A guide to Valentia
Their society is similar to communism, their government is known as the upr (ursine people's republic) more recently to increase their territory to help cope with their increasing population the bears have declared war on the avians and canines.
Sending the letter
For someone with the avian flock instinct it helped greatly at least somewhat cope with being away from his family.
Journal of a Bear
These are snippets of the journal he decided to write to help him to cope with his traumas. the evening was already turning into the night as i arrived home from my shift.