Genetic Children-Log 14- Korm visits the Ukraine.
#14 of genetic children **woot a day off from my training and another chapter in the series. and seriously.. sorry about the huge wait it annoyed me as well.
Genetic Children-Log 09- Click, Click, Click!
#9 of genetic children long!!sorry :p this one is almost exclusively in dream world, this is my first attempt at a combat story so excuse the obvious problems. weapon info from google, i really don’t recommend visiting google if you are under 18!!!
Genetic Children-Log 20- Loss in both worlds.
#20 of genetic children **okay guys, girls and he/shes this one is very short sorry :d it is a bridging chapter for me to open up new ideas and take the story in a new direction, the characters will all remain in one way or another, but i don't want to give
Genetic Children-Log 17- Wade's second deception
#17 of genetic children _korm and emu are getting in quite the pickle....maybe the next story will actually involve pickles....or some more yiff, its hard to tell where the story will go next but it will keep going on as long as korm, tacita and layla are
Children of the Earth and Sky 9 - The Ones Who Protect
_"i love looking after your children, did i always not say our family needed two mothers?"_ _"wait...what?"_ _"please never think that i hated caring for your children, sisters.
The Cycle
**Cycle** Puffing smoky breath like a decrepit steam engine, the black-furred wolf stomped dispassionately, closing his arms tightly around his broad chest. Whether the action was one of the subconscious or conscious mind, intended for personal...
The Story of I-Am, the creation story of the Thirteen Children of Power
So it was that they were man, seventh children of i-am, seventh children of power. and still i-am sought to fill the world with children.
Genetic Children-Log 23 - Dreams come true too.
#21 of genetic children after ever so quietly sawing through one of the cuffs that held his hands, he started work on the other one without moving too much.
Genetic Children-Log 22 - Tired Mistakes are Sometimes Good.
**More of a journal entry really its not big enough to call a chapter but I had a few extra minutes outside work today so I put in some Ideas that have been floating around I am still active, I just work wayyyyy too much. Sorry about the shortness...
Genetic Children-Log 16- A T-84 and a busted Leg.
#16 of genetic children korm awoke in the car, but something immediately struck him as wrong, the sky seemed to be where the ground usually was, the sun was going down, or up depending on how you see it and the last thing he remembered was being knocked out
Pokemon - Tale Of The Guardian Master - CH 50
They are my companions, not my children...
But there was one lesson they could not take in or apply, and this unfortunately had to do with the children's original status. albireon was sad to hear that none of the children could use magic like she could.