The Dog Hole: Chapter 10 -- First Impression

By his disappointed expression, it was obvious he was hoping the director would have bitten her head off. "congratulations, bebe," lyan started seemingly coming out of nowhere, "you've made him jealous." "i'm not jealous." "have you had any?"

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Paraskepite- Chapter Seven

Her arm was wrapped up where cosma had bitten her and she felt uneasy everytime she looked at it. the memory kept returning no matter how hard she tried to push it away.

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Bats of a feather (commission for Nyeogmi)

Then, at the same time, tynan's gaze was making it seem as if being bitten was actually a good option. and it was. he knew it was. but he wanted to bite the dragon. but he wanted to get bitten.

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Russian It? Chapter 8

An old, flea-bitten, mangy mutt." "hunter, i may not know you _too_ well, but what i do know is that you're any _but_ a mangy mutt! you are the perfect example of a family pet. you're loyal, caring, sweet, everything that a family wants in a dog.

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The Stone Warrior

His robotic, 'stony' monotone of a voice sounded as the flea-bitten dog ran away as fast as he could, with his cohorts not too far behind. "who exactly are you?" eytan said, reaching his hand out.

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His Destiny (part 3)

.\> and then he closed his eyes again but at least he wasnt dead, then we thought at our wounds, i had noting serious , nothing that some time would not have cured, coco had some bruises, and mausri got bitten at his arm by a migtyena, so we healed him with


The Rise of the Wereplushies

Otsah nodded, "yeah, i was bitten a year ago... well... not bitten per say. but i was marked with the stitches that marked me as a wereplushie, after that night i was changed into my new otter form.

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Survival - Chapter One - Beginnings

Anyways, a woman was apparently bitten by a homicidal man while standing in line for the atm machine outside of the grocery store. two men managed to pull him off her, but not before suffering several wounds themselves.

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Cori Drake: Vampire Hunter

You see, if one is bitten three times by a vampire, one becomes something of mind-slaved cattle to said vampire. the one that did this is apparently dead but i did not want to get into the habit of leaving unpurified wounds on my body.


Kingdom Digimon Chapter 1 Scorn Memory, New Dawning

Right now feeling the sun beating my head was what i need right now cause who would have enjoyed feeling heat that was slowly returning after frost bitten months.

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