The Meeting
I jump out of the driver's seat and run to the truck box to grab my backpack. after locating my backpack, i run full sprint to my first class... science. i rush in just as the bell rang... "i suppose you have a reason your late, wolf?"
An Anthro's Tale-Chapter 13-Road Trip
I slid my fire starter and my vita into the front pocket of the backpack josh gave me along with my ipod and cramea and zipped it up tightly before throwing it over my shoulder.
Transformation CYOA
You pull your backpack a little higher on your shoulders and trudge one last time into the brush.
The Beginning: Repetitive Dreams
There i found a pair of black pants, a duster and a metallic looking backpack. since i was practically naked i thought it would be smart to wear something. looking up i found that i had somehow put the clothes on and was carrying the backpack in my hand.
Good Deeds Have Shocking Benefits
He stumbled out of his now gigantic shoes, losing his backpack in the process as he fell onto his face. he tried to stand up, but was tangled up in his now giant shirt.
Lonely Oak Chapter 112 - Dark Side Of The Moon
Guessing that her mom went to the shop with her dad, she carried her backpack to her room.
The Eevee Chronicles part 7
"you know, if you keep up with the rough treatment, there's a chance you might damage this bag you care so much about." he said swinging the backpack over his head.
The Runaway
He sat down and kept rose against his chest, his cinderella backpack still there on his back. a short while later, the rain still had not stopped and andlat was getting scared.
Chapter XX: This Bond Between Us
She helped him get the backpack on filled with his changing supplies, then locked up the van. "so, what do you want to see first?" she asked, as they walked toward the entrance.
When Games Meet Reality
Meiest continued to eat in silence for the rest of lunch, enrico only bothering to come back for his backpack.
Tall Tails
Her backpack smelled horrible, and the very idea of running with it any more winded her. she slung the backpack onto the bench and collapsed right next to it. "hey babsy." buster's voice roused her as the blue rabbit appeared.
Forbidden Blood 12
Here is your backpack isinia," he said as he handed it over to her, which had a few clothes and food aside from her most important items.