Chapter 6- "A Fox Named L"

"The mysterious killer known as Kira has struck again. This time, Kira has begun to target those on the darker side of the streets; drugs dealers, street hookers. A total of twelve hundred cases around the world has piled up. The cause of death for...

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Chapter 5- "Birth of a God"

{Now} Light slept the first night at Natalie's house handsomely. His bed was a lot softer than the one in the apartment. He did not wake up thinking that his father could come in, drag him by the elbow out to the car to take him to school. Instead,...

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Chapter 13- "Library"

Light blinked as he watched the road. Half of your remaining lifespan. Such an absurd request for such a power. And yet, Light knew it was also fairly reasonable. All he would need is a good look at the agent's face and he would be rid of him. At the...

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Toni's Diary Entry #8 - Fight Night

Newark High School is a particularly... lame high school. I could go on and on about the fucked up systems that they use there, most of which don't make any sense. But I'll talk about those in another story. For this, I want everyone reading this to...

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Toni's Diary Entry #7 - The Universe vs. the Six-Inch Monster

There was a nightmare back in high school that was particularly bad. It comes in three different parts. The first part is eerie. The second part is downright horrifying and gruesome. The third part is hopeful, yet pessimistic. Part 1 begins on a wheat...

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Chapter 12- "Vigilance"

The next day at school, Light just watched a fly buzz around the classroom, bored. Until his teacher told the class about a culture project. "Each of you will pair up with someone else and explain the essence of a particular culture." Light sat up...

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Love Me

Love. Such a strange word to say out loud. When I was younger, I would always tell myself that I would never get a girlfriend or a boyfriend because the idea of love was a little absurd. You spending the rest of your entire life with only one person?...

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Chapter 16- "A New Possibility"

Natalie pulled up outside of the house soon after Light sent Nadine home with the Note. For this plan to work, she needed to have it for a couple of days. Which should work considering her part of the deal was that she could use the Death Note to kill...

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Fight Me

What would you do if you had a million dollars? Would you get a new house? Pay off your mortgage or loans? Save it in the bank for a rainy day? Or splurge it all in one day because spending money can be exciting? I'll tell you what I would do with a...

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Chapter 15- "Kira Strikes Back"

Light was standing outside the motel room when Nadine showed up on her bike. She swung her backpack over her shoulder and slung it onto the ground. "What's up?" she asked. Light motioned subtly for her to stay silent as Jackson was still right outside...

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Down One Up One

Previously on the Amazing Race, our teams traveled to the city-state of Singapore. Some enjoyed being on the camera more than others. Conflict between other teams arose that started from a harmless prank by Nick. Donna started to hate her own partner....

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Picture This

Previously on the Amazing Race, our 16 teams got a chance to sleep the day away in Samoa. But a few of the teams took the time for some serious strategy. Tammy gave the critics their other Express Pass. Nick set fire to a bush. The prostitutes came in...

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