The edge

_The Sides form the faces that we see They make shapes in 2D Edges are where two sides meet To walk on them would hurt your feet Vertices, three plus edges joint Come together as a point To count them in exam's quite a trick Even with a 3D pic...

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I love her.

When I say I love you, please believe it's true. When I say forever, know I'll never leave you. When I say goodbye, promise me you won't cry, Because the day I'll be saying that will be the day I die.

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Sickness and in health.

How am I you ask? Well I must say I'll be fine as soon as this pain goes away I'll be fine when I lose a few twenty-one pounds and my cough isn't really as bad as it sounds The sight in my eye will return they say as soon as this pain in my head...

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Color other than monotone

**_Oh Red, red my color red_** **_Shines upon my skin with a colorful spread_** **_Oh black, black my color black _** **_It's a cold yet warming attack_** **_Oh blue, blue my favorite color blue_** **_It's warm and docile untouched and in a great...

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An old woman sits all alone Unloved, uncherished and unknown. Sitting beside her broken door. Dreaming of days past long ago, When children played about her knee Filling the air with childish glee, Tended by her with loving care. Knowing the...

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My personality

_Never love two persons, unless you always have a choice. Never love two persons,_ _because you'll listen only to one voice......_

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Such pride in everyone, Of wealth, of mansions. Such avarice, such abandon, Such unquenchable passions. And suddenly a wee quaking Of the earth below our feet In a sleepy, quiet town Far side of the world Has shattered all illusions. Not...

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A bug upon a green leaf sat Cautiously eyeing up a cat Who, unaware of the bug's intentions Continued with its cruel conventions: Of catching a mouse then setting it free Then leaping up it once more with glee Until the terrified rodent gave up...

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I was never here...

Is it always best to follow orders... when you feel like your always traped in a corner? To live and conform, Wishing to have never been born... Always alone never found a way... a way to get home all you do is lay by the city's bay... Runing...

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My work

Today I am tired, Because I got fired, And now I have nothing to do. I have no money, My boss thinks it's funny, And my brother laughs at me too! But I've got hope, And that's all I need, For me to someday be in the lead...

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The kids pointed and the kids laughed at the young man that sat in the back of the class. The one with his head down to conceal his lost frown, the one whose face of confusion led to all the student's intrusion. Him feeling miserable was the...

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I'll be yours and you'll be mine Such a perfect rhyme... Say when. I'll wrap your arms around my waist And feel your mouth taste Say when. I'll give you smiles and steal yours back You won't forget Say when. You'll be on cloud number...

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