The Time Travel
Sparky a 21 year old dox (fox/dog hybrid), was a student of a strong Jedi. One day though Sparky whitnessed the death of his master, in order to save his master he travells back in time, but not without side-effects.
Pages: It's Just Another Day to Me
Though it aged like the rest of the house. the dust crawled up the counter. scrap let out another yip and jumped over the dust layer. he landed on his feet and ran to his room. his stuff was still there, thankfully. he shut the door and backed away.
Playing Curse
Was sudden age reduction a valid excuse for a sick day? it didn't matter now.
Dragon Pets
Dragon Pets By CalexTheNeko Mei sighed wistfully as he stared out the classroom window. Slowly the clock on the wall was approaching noon. Lunchtime was almost here. He twitched his leg impatiently waiting for the bell to ring. Some of the other...
Springtide: Vector's Rebirth
Considering vector's current age, it was a pretty safe bet to conclude that this place had some kind of magic or supernatural shenanigans going on... so he probably shouldn't be too concerned with how strange the borders were.
Thirteen Tales (2019): Second Tale
His new younger age didn't hold him back at all! he did a loop de loop through the air and then flew around erratically just enjoying the moment. at least five minutes passed before he remembered himself and what was going on.
Springtide: Berry Inconvenient
#15 of age regression another story in springtide. this time kenku wonders his way into sprintide, and despite the age regression is curious enough to investigate...
The Elevator
Here's a simple age regression story with my and my best friend kiba!
The Wildlands: Attria (Chapter 1)
The wildlands is a fantasy universe technologically approximate to the middle ages this story follows the life of a young anoran girl (snow leopard) and her transition from a child living on the streets to the center of a political crisis between the anoran's
Adam & Greg 3
"Adam wake up we're here" Greg said as he shook his brother awake "Where are we?" Adam said as he rubbed his eyes and yawned "Come on get up" Greg said as he lifted Adam out the car seat, Adam wrapped his arms around Greg neck as he was carried out...
The Stranger Part 2
We begin the story again as Jack is driving Jesse to his condo on the edge of town. It's a 1 bedroom, 1 bath, and semi-luxurious place. Jack enjoyed living here. It was away from the city noise and smell. He had a pool and a Jacuzzi out back for the...
To Nanna's House or Bust (part 2 out of 2)
T_his is the 2__nd_ _part to To Nanna's House of Bust (super awesome title right?). This one will have more excitement than the last one because it was just to set up this part. I hope you like this one and this would by my 4__th_ _story posted so...