Gifts and Dangers (Commission for F3L4N)

While he had the inexplicable ability to read the human language, he didn't know their spoken words, so it was impossible to tell what exactly they were saying.

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Something Fire-Like

And, not knowing how to say such a thing in spoken words, he kept his stupid muzzle shut. turning blue (so he imagined). her pure-pink eyes met his grey-blues.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VII Chapter 20

"the lost and unimportant" creep's hollowed voice echoed across the room, his shadow floated all around the room, the black magic on cynder's head and tail pulsing with each spoken word "infantile us. punished essence.

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Chapter 3: Enter the Forest

It worked, her mind cleared as his softly spoken words illuminated the fog over her brain. knowing that her friends were beside her, ali turned around ready to face whatever stood ahead of them. "_once more unto the breach"_ as lucan might quote.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 61

"and if i may be so humbled to voice the ancestors feelings, they don't consider you weird at all, boundlessly welcoming you as their child" hunter blinked, the spoken words stabbed his brain like daggers, bringing him back to reality where for a moment the

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 17

Iris yelled at the group from afar, all three of them were surprised to see that she was thirty, forty meters ahead of them, standing on a small rise looking down on them as if they were nothing more but worthless ants each spoken word made the healing

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FoxFire (Act1, Book2, Chapter8)

"again, hear my bluntly spoken words: if you perceive that something needs to happen of great consequence ... you have an _obligation_ to take care of it yourself. i will ask about, and see what i can learn. hermes will know..." "hermes?

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Ghost Pack

She drew in a breath, startled by the softly spoken words. never? all those years she had spent feeling lonely she had never really been alone?

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Ben tell a tale.. 4

Whether by some quietly spoken word or just her fathers knowledge shelly had stood near the couch and we waited a few minutes till he returned to the room carrying a bowl with left over casserole inside. as i started digging in mr.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 51

word becoming more weaker and raspier as the conversation continued if it could be called a conversation to begin with, because to hunter it felt like a lecture where the mole is reading his soul like an open book.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book VIII Chapter 17

You do not need more flavor, otherwise the dish might become too appetizing and irresistible" flare's eyes widened, he noticed the look but the meaning of the spoken words eluded him. he cocked his head in confusion. "are you talking to me?"

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