Set before the events in "Eye of The World" by Robert Jordan. This story follows a slave named Ktanos who discovers he can channel and tried to escape before the Aes Sedai hunt him down because he can channel. Little does he know The Dragon Reborn...
Character Development, Plot Development
Ace ground in pain looking up, alarms blared in his ears as rescue crews worked to save people from the debris from fallen building. Luna stood over him with toothy smirk. Ace growls and tried to get up but he was trapped under rubble completely at the...
Plot Development, Story Progression
a collection of stories set in the White Fur Brother's series. A group of short stories of charaters that may or may not be part of the main stories.
Character Development, Plot Development
Waking slowly, Kerr luxuriates in the feeling of the soft, warm sheets. Rolling over on his left side to cuddle up to Miera he is surprised to find only empty bed. Turning the other way and opening his eyes, instead of soft, black fur, he see a smooth,...
Pantheress, Plot Development, Rabbit
_This piece came about as an attempt to clarify Kerr and Miera's relationship, which it doesn't do, and give a few hints as to their civilisation's past. Therefore; no yiff in this chapter..._
As the sunlight moves across the rabbit's body...
Pantheress, Plot Development, Rabbit
The first in a series of three I'm writing because I'm bored. It's a darker tone than I usually take, but it was...interesting. Hope you enjoy just the same!
- Faora
The twin armies swarmed out onto the battlefield with cries of rage....
Dragon, No-Yiff, Plot Development
Hey guys and gals, its been a while hasn't it I have had the worst case of writers block for the past 3 years and am only now getting back to writing. As always comments and advice are welcome. I hope you enjoy.
* * *
It took Sephros 17 hours to...
Dragon, Feral, Plot Development
Tarka let out a hiss of surprise as she sat up in bed, breathing heavily, before curling her knees to her chest. A deep breath filled her lungs as she looked down at herself in the light of the moon. Her pebble-like scales barely reflected the light,...
Clean, Kobold, Plot Development
A/N: Don't own Naruto or Digimon, and well, I don't own the song at the end of this story. It's called Somewhere, can't remember who sings it, but they own it. This story contains no sex, just plot.
Ready to slam his head into the human before...
Digimon, Plot Development, Series
Before any wolves take offense, Wolves are not going to be depicted as evil. Some wolves, sure, but so will some mice and some stuck up old squirrels.
Just a little clarification. Airuk lives in a mouse kingdom named Tairune. The wolves live in a...
Mouse, No-Yiff, Plot Development
Alex couldn't help but laugh as he walked into the parking lot outside the headquarters building. When he joined the guntruck platoon, He heard rumors that most of the guys were a little......crazy, but this proved it. There was a sign outside the lot,...
Plot Development, Violence (Not In Yiff)
"Faith and Truth"
~Chapter Three~
By Nar (2006)
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James sat quietly at his computer, his paws resting on the edge of his desk. It had been two weeks since he had taken his son's challenge, and, try as he might, he couldn't disprove more...
Character Development, Plot Development