David the demon ch1-3

This gets him in trouble as he is soon thrown out of his fathers good will and into the wild with nothing more than a suitcase full of belongings, the deed to an undeveloped realm and a single infant dragon.

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Spyro and Cynder, Chapter 14

It's theorized that there's a special energy release that baby dragons unleash when it's time to hatch, which weakens the shell on contact and makes it fracture." "don't overfeed him!" flare said, and spyro stopped in mid-motion.

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Fates of the Unicorns 82 - Bloom

Being small doesn't mean worthless, they are baby dragons, not animals." "it's not their size, slave. they are hatchlings! they are certainly not dragons. they are animals. you and i are people, we think. hatchlings do not.

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Escape From the Nursery of Doom

The baby dragon let out one surprised rawr, before he fell to the ground, curled up into the fetal position and a green and brown spotted egg formed around him. "are you kidding me!?" asriel shouted. "they have dog robots now!

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Easter Island Egg Hunt

"i mean being a baby dragon wasn't that bad kupo." noel shrugged. "but i missed my favorite shows while i was waiting to hatch." "so then what, will the eggs turn us into babies when we find them or something?" noel tried.

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Kingdom Hearts: The Path of the Heart Episode 1: An Unexpected Journey

"oh my gosh, a baby dragon! oh, i've never seen a baby dragon before! he's so cute," she exclaimed. now kairi was thinking maybe spike should have let himself be seen in the first place.

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The Ryan Story Part VIII

"over the next few weeks they taught us what they could about hatchlings, instincts, how to raise a baby dragon, and so on. it was a lot of information to absorb but we tried our best. finally ryan's hatching day came..."

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The tale of Moka and Silver Chapter 1

_** **_the couple had only just arrived when the hunters were dragging the bound and winning infant dragon out of the cave and into the middle of the group.

A New Dawn - Chapter 22 (The Wager)

Next to him was a female holding a baby dragon wrapped in a blanket. "ah malakye!" xavier waved me over when he spotted me. "please let me introduce you to my wife, juliet." "nice to meet you." i said. "a pleasure." she smiled.

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My Little Kickaha

And after some thought, i decided baby dragon was the way to go. i feel like, that fits my kind of pseudo-sidekick shtick better." "i see." kickaha turned to look back at the forest. "so how did you change forms anyway?"

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Cadence of Memories

He may be a baby dragon by age, but he grew up fast, at least mentally. i sadly don't understand dragons as much as i'd like to, at least not yet." cadance nodded once more. "i'm surprised you've taken care of him his whole life.

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