
Patiently get up, & go i cannot stay, not while my heart still skips off balance, struggling with my stance, painful steps lead legs as they try to avoid accidental trips the alleyway my friend, to the unseen, i carry my being to its calling once in solitude

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Zach - Chapter II

He cried as the rain poured even heavier outside than it had the night he had run out to find solitude in the park, the park that now felt just as twisted and dark as the place he had ran from. suddenly, a soft voice called out to him.

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The Cat's Stroll 02

The travel was lonely and perilous, his most dangerous enemies being the solitude and the climate. that wasteland sounded so cold that one's bones might crack from it.

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A Theory of Equilibrium, Book 1, Part 4: The boy & The Guardian

He saw the circle around solitude, then couldn't suppress a glare. he had been there only days before, and another key had been right under his nose.

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A Song of Freedom

One last call - of freedom, of joy, of solitude in the sky - and i bank towards home. singing a song of freedom.


Blood in the Soil, Gaze to the Stars (Otherwise Untitled)

~ over the cups, teabags, and steaming water the old coyote's expression cycled through the sort of range that one withholds until in the company of solitude. she sighed, gazing into the pale blue of the refrigerator's door.

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Ch. 3 - Vive le roi !

Même si la solitude et l'isolement ont tendance à peser assez rapidement sur mon moral. même lui m'a abandonné, pas que je l'aime plus que ça, c'est plutôt le contraire même. mais au moins je ne serais pas totalement seul.


Continued Exchange, Epilogue

Some say he reclused into a life of solitude, never letting anyone in. some say he tried to attack them, as if still a lion. and others say he met his fate as someone's prey.

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Kiss of Destiny: Prologue

The solitude both cheered and depressed her. it was cheerful because there weren't cats around that would be able to ferret away penny's affections, but depressing that there weren't cats around at all.

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Darkfoot, however, felt a new strength growing inside him and found new comfort in his solitude. his legs felt long and powerful; his shoulders broad and heavy; and a sense of majesty filled him at the slightest turning of his head.

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Jurash "goju" Sulfam (French version)

Son caractère introvertie en a longtemps fait un incompris dans un village ou tous les enfants se connaissaient et où sa tendance à préférer la tranquillité et la solitude d'une partie de "command and conquer" ou d'un script bash (oui, c'est légèrement un

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