Ode to Killer: The Emperor
The stars sparkle upon the great king, the slight silhouette of wings behind him as he rules. his very being defines dominance, justice, masculinity that puts others to shame, and of course the true power of the alpha male.
Venturing: Things in Darkness
Her thoughts swirled her mind as she also pondered about the black silhouette shadow that ling had seen through the cameras. 'were they true?' she wondered aloud, casting her voice to kyro and zander who had nothing in answer.
Hunting Death- The Draaknei Sunset
Staring back at us on the top of the hill are four large creatures, their silhouettes very similar to what i would expect it to be given the image that the others got fiin to show. "draaknei? here?"
Skyline King
Second big silhouette, like the first one, appeared in the doorway. a flash on the sky, two stars of speed, constellation of flying claws and fangs, hit, fall, roll, the panther pushed the enemy near to the edge of the building.
Ch. 11 -- Exodus
. --- shannon watched the silhouettes of a young mephatine and her mother, their tails blown almost horizontal, as they made their way to, and down the entrance ramp to the bunker.
Red Moon Rises
The sky above darkened, sun setting over the silhouette of the city in the distance, full moon rising over the mountains. the large orb shone a dull red like rosewater, lighting the land in pale glow.
The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book X Chapter 26
Cyril screamed in pain, his own body bursting with an aura of cold energy, silhouette sprouting cold spikes in defense.
Prologue: Creation
A blurry silhouette appeared in my vision above me, a shadow that had come for me. i reached out desperately with a paw, my fingers slowly outstretching and shaking as i tried to make meaning of where i was.
Jasper's odyssey (A1)
The light banished the darkness of the wood, silhouettes becoming shapes, becoming forms, and as he walked the trees thinned and bracken lessened in it's density. before long, he had left the woods behind altogether.
Pokemon - TOTGM - After Story Special - 6
Chris tried to explain, pointing at the screen making her poke her head out far enough to see the way her silhouette showed through it.
Headlights lit her silhouette, and her mate ran to her, his uniform getting drenched. she followed him back to the car, sobbing. a freight train rushed past the station, demolishing the letter and her dreams in the same instant.
Forever Autumn: Shadows of Red and Silver- Part 2
A light surrounded the silhouette of the vixen and her form began to change, shifting and enlarging until a beautiful young woman stepped free, her brunette hair curving delicately down her shoulders to her waist.