Picnic and Birth

Unlike the last one there is no sex so enjoy this sfw story. x it was another beautiful, gorgeous day on the planet. and it was meant to be out of the house. that was exactly what the mccloud family was doing.

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A Spare in the Trunk: Part VII

He felt her staring, trying to break him down so she could get a new toy. a toy that could send her death threats, insults, and who knows what else. and that was if they didn't just pull the plug on her.

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No Frills: Ijona Hykok

Ijona liked playing with toys as a toddler, and particularly loved her my little ponies, smurfs, gem and the holograms, pound puppies, she-ra, and scooby doo toys.

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Claiming The Home (Preview Chapter)

As the song 'stayin' alive by the bee gees' rang out, the domestic feline drove onward, riding in his remote control, red pimpin' mustang toy, wearing about the most bejeweled sun glasses one could hope for.

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The Human War- Chapter Eleven

"ah fuck!" dash heard tyger exclaim through his earpiece. "when he hears me let him know we have some unfinished business after all this." bear said and he chuckled. "ahh fuck."

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Herbal Essences

This old armadillo woman ran most of it and the most exciting thing that ever happened around the proteus prime outlet was a tantrum in the fb toys.

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Wasteland Survivor – Union - ch12

"holy fuck" i heard a voice behind me, my fur was standing on end after the massive electrical discharge. wait, fur?

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Dark World Traveler

I thinking, 'i am not going to last long but why is this figure toying with me.'


All Things Quiet And Sweet Alt Ending 1 - Start of Darkness

fuck everything. fuck you daisy, you don't want me anymore, then you can stay dead. sarah wasn't even a good mother to me. what the fuck do i have left now? did anyone even care about me?

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Dust, Blood, and Fur Part One.

"what the fuck, vince?" "how could i tell if they weren't being tracked," the lion asked, his tone as calm as ever. "they fucking surrendered!" "and what would we do with prisoners? hmm? keep them as toys?

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More Time

Seriously, let's hide the stuff in the sex toy chest for future mark to find!" "not an old batch though, i may come up with something better in the future for him to take as science advances."

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Theory of Everything

To give us more toys to play with to help us destroy ourselves even faster. and how do i know all of this? because the virus told me. like i told you. sometimes they get things right. sometimes they mutate and do something new.

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