The Nine Knights of Creation: Research Notes: Shadows

The Knight of Darkness made a race known as The Shadow Khan. They are his people, a race of humanoid people made of pure darkness and shadow. At birth, they have a tail, but to single out the true warriors from the weak, the changes can be noticed when...

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Drops of Note, Soothed Evening (Otherwise Untitled)

With the final notes of his mother's song, randy settled the knob and the shower sputtered to a dribble. "you're up!", he called from within the stall, elaborating "..have you decided on in or out?", sauntered out nakedly into the hotel room.

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Virtually Real Notes: Prowl-Ar's First Shift

During "First Shift" every shifter becomes their animal self for about a year in in order for their human and animal selves to acclimate to their new animal form. Ordinarily the individual has a teacher or guide, however this can prove very dangerous...

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I'll Give You A Hand-About and Author's Notes

**_author's notes _** so this story came to me in several ways: dreams, current events in real time, and personal events. most of which is a feeling of sorrow and hate.

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Ember Tails side story - Firedog the First, end notes

Kyle blindsided his parents when he came out to them after coming out to Shana. They said all would be fine, though were very uncertain about it, largely from the surprise of the situation. Things were awkward for a few days, the three Kinsleys a bit...

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"Summerhill" Chapter One Teaser

Sitting at the desk, he wrote a note of his own: _"how am i supposed to do what you're asking?"_ once he'd finished writing the note, summerhill stared at it. the handwriting was identical to that of the other notes he'd found.

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Day 26 - Swing

Weaving between her companions note, the saxophone-playing hyena brought long notes and order to the chaotic melody of her friends.

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Opening his eyes a little, he concentrated on the flow of the notes, from long quarter-notes to shorter eighth-notes, to the fast sixteenth- and thirty-second-notes. left paw in fifth position, the rat's fingers moved quickly over the string.

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Tales of Destruct Chapter 3

Kina shook her head and looked around, only to see that karin's blade was left behind with a note on it. kina pointed to the note and looked back at kinto, saying, "note! note!"

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space special ops 2

{medical file 9654: major allison reves. age: 32. occupation: sec 5.campaigns: atrox threat, srawes riots on riskal. most recant campaign: aquews war. reason for being here: lost eye due to shrapnel. personal notes: a good leader but has problems with knowing


Wanderer (Sec. 2)

"that is my note," at which point issadore hands ankh the note. "what does it say? all i can read is 'frozen enough'." while the two were talking, a humanoid snake man walked into the refuge, also holding the note written by the female mouse.

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