One of a kind: chapter 1
A sense of calmness washed over jasper, as though his heart belonged, near the tiger. he tried the doors, but it would not budge. he pushed harder, desperate with every attempt.
Cherry Cordial Chaos
The Christmas season had come and gone, with all of its effects. Cooks recovered from massive feasts, along with their recipients. Roads backed up with impatient drivers and inebriated in-laws. After-Christmas clearance sales, massive return lines,...
Jackie-The-Junior Epilogue-Second-Chances
- Eleven years later, April 2056. - ~Researchers are still puzzled about the newly discovered mineral found after the minor eruption of the Yellowstone caldera. Some physicists are claiming that it may make faster than light travel possible,...
Strange Times, Preface-History(edited)
Strange Times, Preface- History It is 2052 and the British government has been overthrown by a tyrannical government that is known as The Architects. The founder, a megalomaniac shadow dragon by the name of Kalseru,has taught his followers to...
The Life of Half star - (Inspired by Erin Hunters Awesome Story Series Warrior Cats) - 2 - A New Hope
Not knowing that her death angel was near. he waited until the mouse moved out of the bush and once she was out enough he jumped out of his hiding. the mouse had no chance.
Chapter 7-My Near Death Experience
And if the fire was near you, you would have suffocated from all the smoke." "..." "are you okay drake?" "yeah, i can't believe that i almost died. everything in my life was turning around."
It was a year ago November, as near as I remember
Introitus Yes, people were still having panic attacks, and yes many were still crying. Thank heavens the screaming had stopped, but still - some were still making mournful wails albeit more quietly now, considering,... mostly the littler ones....
Journey to another world pr3 ch100 pt1
She seemed to know what i was doing and reached over with her hand and placed it near mine. "thank you rena, just make sure that you don't push yourself to hard..."
Strange Times, Ch. 1 & 2 - Arrest & Escape
They had been beaten near onto death. the cheetah was helping a dalmatian to his feet when lucas reached out and grabbed the dalmatians paw and pulled.
10 - ATOI&F - And Then There Was Silence...
It was a subtle movement, hardly noticeable, but was more than she had managed in nearly seventy-two hours. sato seemed nearly as shocked as he did, and elayne cried out wordlessly in triumph at the sight.
No Way in Hell
As he neared the bar, he saw dreggs, with a revolver in his hand, and two of his bodyguards flanking him with fn- 2150s .
University year (part5!)
We drive the long way to the University. We pull up and Sam locks the doors, we go into our rooms, say good night, Sam goes in his room, I go in my room. I see your ready for part 5! I am surprised you stayed tune for this long! We wake up ,seemingly,...