Evolution Part I: Chapter Thirty-four

\*\*\* It happened fast, so fast that I cannot clearly remember what happened. Instead, I recall a series of snapshots, like bolts of lightning in my memory. The opening of the gate, its metallic whine cutting through a thick haze of sleep and...

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Evolution Part I: Chapter Thirty-three

Several days passed and I still did not return to the other tribe of dogs. Pink Nose still returned with the content of his lessons, however, after a single night's peace, the chocolate lab returned bearing more questions from the opposite pack....

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Evolution Part I: Chapter Thirty-two

I rose a golden eyebrow then and stared at the obese lab. "are you trying to tell me that you are tired of repeating what you learned to me every morning?" pink nose's eyes flashed, but he denied it at once. "of course not.

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Evolution Part I: Chapter Thirty-one

\*\*\* I put my plan into motion immediately. I saw no reason for delay. Again, the road between decision and action was short for a dog. I closed the gate behind Dizzy and re-latched the lock, making sure to snap it into place. The other group had...

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Evolution Part I: Chapter Twenty-nine

"looks like our golden boy has run off." fatty commented, "i hope he's not thinking about not sharing whatever he's found." i growled a bit at my beta, "fatty, this is serious.

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Evolution Part I: Chapter Twenty-eight

I spent most of the day worrying about possible discovery by humans of our transgressions; minor though they might have been. To me the signs were obvious, naturally, and after receiving my brief physical, I felt for sure that it was only a matter of...

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Evolution Part I: Chapter Twenty-seven

He didn't mention the fact that i was getting to be 2/3 taller than a golden retriever had any right to be, and that spoke highly of where his priorities were. "i picked on you for a long time because i saw him in you.

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Evolution Part I: Chapter Twenty-four

I'm not sure why I was so hesitant. Perhaps it was all the strange things I'd experienced since stepping out of the yard for the first time. But right then the thought of another pack of dogs being around the corner frightened me more than it enthused...

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Evolution Part I: Chapter Twenty-three

He tired me out quickly and i was soon lying down with him jumping and climbing on top of my shoulders like i was some kind of golden furred hill. "how's fatty?" i asked, meaning how the dog was teaching him.

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Evolution Part I: Chapter Twenty-two

A week after I'd first started hanging around Lopside, I finally felt like we'd started making progress. He now understood that when I was making noises at him, I was trying to communicate and he was picking up some nouns, like "food" and "water." But...

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Evolution Part I: Chapter Twenty-one

Lopside was going to be a long-term project. That much was clear almost from the start. It was a struggle to cross that gap as he seemed just as intent to teach me the meaning of his drawings as I did trying to get him to understand my alphabet of...

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Evolution Part I: Chapter Nineteen

I awoke several hours later in the middle of the night. The storm was still raging outside and the area around the portal to the house was damp and abandoned. It looked like it was going to go on the rest of the night, but I had to whizz so I braved...

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