Interview wth a Soldier

I am a chakat with only one gender, and only three legs. interviewer: \*silent pause\* how can a chakatb be only one gender?? everyone knows chakats are hermaphrodites. saoiste:is it a crime to be born differently? interviewer: and your leg?

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A Heart Shaped Tail - Chapter 2

Chapter 2: An Adventure by your Side. "Are you really sure you don't mind me?" The Pichu asked the Eevee, who was leading them away from the house. "Yup. Don't worry about it. I'm sure we'll make a great team, even if I'm not the most capable...

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A Return To When We All Lived In The Forest Interlude: Character sheet and Recap.

Name: vex age:unknown gender: male sexuality: bisexual appearance: vex is a black fox with wings and horns that make him appear demonic to most.

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What is Reality?

Bloody Mary staggered back into the hall, "Well that was rude!" Blood poured from her body, but the wounds quickly healed. Steel jumped over his desk, ran up to her, and pressed his forearm against her, "Oh! My word!" "Reality's a bitch, ain't it?"...

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Fur one and fur all! (Part 4)

When the bus finally gets to my stop, I jump out. I walk to my house, trying to comprehend everything that's happening to me. There only seems to be one explanation, but it defies all normal logic. I must be turning into a wolf. I start laughing the...

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Max: Character Info.(My life as a furry)

. ;3 ) max's info sheet **(this will be updated when the chapter that tells the info are posted)** ** ** ** ** **full names: max schwab** ** ** **nickname: maxi** ** ** **age: 18** ** ** **gender: male** ** 

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Blank Verse Essay on Intentionality in Queer Fiction

Let warriors own of no gender but war. for each tale, after all, will be the one for someone, that first opens up their eyes to see as in a darkling glass, themselves. and yet.

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Two Dads and a Boy - Prolog

Yeah, i'm not completely a guy by normal gender binary standards. i guess a cruder term for it would be "cuntboy".

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They grow up so fast "literally!" Chapter 1: The spell

"alright, first up, a gender switching spell!" "wait, gender switch wha-?" before spike could finish, a flash from twilight's horn caused his green shirt and brown shorts to shift into a green blouse and brown dress.

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Fourth official character

Freely(this is for the sake of roleplaying as i get bored of playing a single gender) origins: after a space pirate group landed on earth in secret they left nina as an egg in a native american tribe.


Glossary/Author's Note

**bruha** - (pronounced broo-ah) adult female ork **brun** - (pronounced broon) adult male ork **calf** - a tarous that is not yet an adult of either gender.


The Guilded Cage, World Introduction, part 1

way with most official artwork being done as the opposite of the current ruling monarch (since the current ruler is an emperor, artwork for the past millennia have been either androgynous or female in presentation).

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