Racing by Instinct

When he popped out on the other side, he stepped on the gas to make that last dash towards the finish line.

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Lost love

The shriek was joined by a loud voice saying "poison gas detected in laser's room.... poison gas detected in laser's room." the voice was coming from a military base of the united states.

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A Different Kind of Tank

" i was saying, they are not water tanks..." the saint bernard glared at the hare. "...or gas tanks." then he glared at the stallion.

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The Ghostly Apocalypse

When we arrived, we stopped and looked at the gas station for a second. the windows were smashed and the doors were bordered up. the whole gas station looked very run-down. i stepped through one of the smashed windows and entered the abandoned building.

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Wayward Scale, Wasteland Chapter 1, Evening's Awakening

As they ran, they noticed a new figure armed with a grenade launcher and wearing a gas mask. without asking anything, they ran behind the armed figure, who raised their firearm and took aim.

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Amber Silverblood: Silverpack, Chapter Nineteen

Beardie took me by my shoulders while one of the other men grabbed me by my ankles, and they carried me across the street to the gas station.

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After the Storm - Part 30 [End of the Line]

Poisonous gas began oozing out of the ground from beneath the charmeleon. the purple gas cloud quickly enveloped the charmeleon, forcing the hypnotized fire type to hold his breath.

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The Non-Insurgency

That is why i am giving you ten minutes to abandon this ship ... before the computer releases a toxic gas into the atmosphere. this gas will burn your lungs. you will feel like you are breathing fire.

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Inexorable Ch.1

They both stopped when they saw the german shepard standing in a corner with several other children, all wearing gas masks. vaden then noticed a diluted yellow cloud all around them.

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Isolation-Excerpt 17-Asphalt

I pulled the metal gas can out of the trunk and then popped the gas cap of the car off, beginning to fill the tank. "this isn't going to blow up in my face is it?", i asked, "because...i'm kind of attached to what i've got left."

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The Stonehouse Mysteries 1.7 - The Malicious Masquerade

"this group was wiped out when a stockpile of mustard gas and explosives they had built up in the marcell house detonated on the night of the attack.

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Day 38 3:49 AM 1/2/2023-Chapter 8-Empty Road

Unfortunately the pumps were gas and kerosene, no diesel. find something to put kerosene in. the tanks from the ferrari only gave me about five gallons of gas, which brought me to a little more than three quarters of a tank.

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