Eternal Mortality: The Tutinian Civil War Part One
Most of the eastern lands had willingly joined the tut federation, but a few were simply brought in by conquest, these are referred to as "valtuts" because they bare traits of both valtovkan, and tutinian.
The Wolves of Gryning: Chapter 1
The leader of this most recent conquest was the mad king molokhn, remembered even today as the founder of that cruel institution, the prison of molokhn.
Gorthorn: Chapter 6: Reality Shift
Yet another part of him was questioning why he'd never had such recoiling thoughts about his previous conquests.
The Banished Wars - Volume One
With crude weapons used by the reptilians, the lutrachans developed far more advanced technology and pushed stonewalled the reptilians' aggressive conquest.
During Roman Times Chicago , superheroes try to pick up dates at a luxury resort
Titus scanned the streets, looking for his next conquest, finally resting his eyes on a pretty dame standing next to a large bronze statue.
Friendly Direction: Chapter 4
All of his girlfriends, his crushes, and his conquests, he tried to remember something about them all. one face, one name, kept surfacing in his mind. he felt his face twitch as though he could physically remove the image.
The Outlander 1 12
Being carried by his slaves at the head of his stormvermin army, ikkit claw smiled evilly as his army trudged through his new conquest. the otter was so heartbroken that he broke down in tears where he stood, "why do you cry brother?"
Meeting Love - Chapter 1
I felt just like a king, leading his men into a battle, striving to slay any who stand in the path of his conquest, of his goal, of his lost one.
Given the lands restriction on spices and other currencies you were not sure if proper sea salt was something you could summon into existence, so in case you run a conquest in which anyone capable of supplying you with roughly a ton of salt would be granted
Dragon Storm: Chapter 22: Amy’s Dogma and The Consequences of Betrayal!
Until one day quicksilver and you planed a very strategic and tactical coup d'etat to over throw the rest of blackfang and my plans of world conquest back three years ago.
Luck Be a Lady
Had my conquest continued, i would've soon caught up with them, rendering their escape pointless - but it didn't, and _i_ didn't. fortuna gambled on my impending fall - and won, once again."
The Tale of Rikama (Working Title)
Our story opens up on Korotti Prime, named for its first sentient inhabitants. A name which it still carried proudly, unto its desstruction. And we, the Korotti, are as responsible for its destruction as the Russi renegades. But I am getting ahead of...