Dragon Storm: Chapter 19: Lazz's Desire and Rio's Feelings!

carl kurotsuchi said. "about?" rock lizard asked. "the pseudo chimera adult." carl kurotsuchi said. " so you figured it out? what it's truly for?" rock lizard said. " yeah, as such...i quit." carl kurotsuchi said.

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Book IV: The Two Tales

_"carl!"_ she exclaimed jubilantly. carl laughed and hugged her tight around the neck. "boy am i glad we found you in time!" he said. he let her go and sat back, smiling at her.

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"thought you weren't interested in simulations, carl."

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The Ghost

He could drop it, let the goop inside reform as the ghost of carl cunningham again in time. he closed his eyes and handed the pot back, "where do we go from here?"

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Carltober: Sadness

And then carl cried, in joy and love. "queer" flynn said.


Emotional Cuddling 3

carl said, before flynn slapped the back of his head. because of the horns lizard blood run down carl's scalp.

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Jenna the ally

carl had texted her, sending her a picture of him a begruding flynn with pride pins, pan and gay respectively. it was adorable. jenna had always been perplexed at how her entire friend group was lgbt.

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FnaJ 3 (part 4)

When nightmare jack was walking away from the left door,nightmare carl was approaching the right door... i ran back to my bed than to the right door, i heard breathing, so i closed the door until i heard carl walk away... i ran back to bed.

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Balance Of Power CH 4

Sarah and carl ignored the growling dragons, and turned their attention to cynder. "carl, meet cynder, our granddaughter." sarah said to him carl gasped, and together they started nuzzling cynder. she mumbled and shied but they kept their affection.

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FnaJ: WTF? (part 4)

"hey carl" i said and waved "think you could follow me?" the large, animatronic-puppet ice cream kind of came alive and said "hey... sure i can follow you" and he slowly drifted towards me.

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-tmas (AiT extra #3)

Mako and malo the otter twins, danny the raccoon, verona the jaguar, carl the husky, and christie the tabby... he was just overwhelmed, even as carl and danny talked about how it was all malo-and-christie's idea, making calls and checking houses on the way

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Five nights at Jacks (part 5)

I clicked 4, jack, carl and jake where standing the same way as foxy and the other jack. the camera feed was cut off by static, when the static cleared. they where all gone! i checked 11 and 12. the other jack and foxy where gone.

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