Chapter 21: The Enemy of My Enemy is My Friend

believing that is like trying to believe someone found a unicorn, inside a convenience store, on the moon that was ten thousand years old.

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Ander - Chapter 2, Subchapter 13

He had simply refused to believe it, was _still_refusing to believe it, because believing would mean - "ka... ay..." she said, looking at him with her blood-streaked eyes, begging him to understand. "no!"

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Ruined Nights: Part 4

"i don't believe refuse to believe it..." i didn't want to believe it. sylvia...a program?! just like those damn fish?! "whether or not you believe it, it's the truth," he said heavily. "no!" i shouted defiantly.

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Fallout: Balance of Power

I couldn't believe my eyes, and apparently neither could jaimie as she let out a loud gasp of surprise.

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My life with Skye: Chapter 7

I believe that we can go through anything together." "i believe in us." skye stated, standing to the right of adam. "me too." lux stayed to the left. "and with that..." adam pointed to the small city in front of them. "onwards troops." "yes sir!"

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Old Wounds (Chapter6, Book8)

"tamamo-san, i do not believe in shinto deities. i believe in the metaphors. i believe in the meaning behind the stories of their lives." tamamo grimaced. "you disgrace the 'shinkai,' our realm. we fight for you creatures, and for what?

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The Resurrection Stone - Kreet 67

Personally i believe that to fight against nature is always a losing battle. the urge to love another physically is a realm outside our lord's domain.

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Amber Silverblood: Chapter Five

"amber..." she whispered, as if she couldn't quite bring herself to believe that the girl sitting at her kitchen table was the daughter she'd raised for the past seventeen years. did she really believe that i'd done that? how _could_ she believe it?

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Wages: Chapter One

He looked out at the rest of us, "believe this lying snake if you wish, but mark my words, thoughts like these will destroy everything we have worked for!"

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Time Measure Money

And without question or quarrel, without ponder, he believed it. a machine and a human being, working together. but that system doesn't end quite so simply. he believes that watch because he set it himself. how did he do that, though?

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Love & Faith Chapter 1: The Tag

"believe." the question is 'believe' in what? the fact it was on a church made me assume it was religion but deep down inside i couldn't help but think it was something else.

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Final Exit

Some part of them did not want to believe that what they stood for had abandoned them, what they had put all their trust and future into. they did not want to believe that their way of life was collapsing all around them.

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