Burdens - Chapter 17: The Views
Chapter 17: The Views It was only a moment, mostly due to the fox's situation, that they stood up and decided to depart. They still maintained what direction was the street, so they were not lost, yet they wanted to decide on where next to visit. They...
Burdens - Chapter 15: Recreation
Chapter 15: Recreation They retreated to the wolf's room after breakfast. It was a quiet morning, somewhat dull to start out, at least after the initial excitement. Roger checked on his phone to see of things near them while the wolf pondered what...
Burdens - Chapter 14: Rise
Chapter 14: Rise Roger just laid there, under the wolf. Looked up into the groggy, yet alert eyes. They were slightly bloodshot from the sleep that had just fled. The wolf was no longer on top of him, yet he was still above him. He had suspended...
Burdens - Chapter 12: Incubus
Chapter 12: Incubus It was dark outside, as far as he could tell. The window was not very large and was mostly facing toward another building, but he could still see that there was only black outside. Roger yawned and stretched. They had worked on...
Burdens - Chapter 11: Transition
Chapter 11: Transition There needed be no permission to be asked for. The fox knew that whatever he had requested from his parents in this regard would be readily accepted. The permission he really needed was from himself. His mind wandered, but it...
Burdens - Chapter 10: Sanguine
Chapter 10: Sanguine Roger woke slowly. He was in a bed unfamiliar to him, in a location unknown. His vision began as blurry, but as he looked around, he saw Hunter to the side, seemingly to be working on homework. He saw something white on his nose,...
Burdens - Chapter 9: Ball
Chapter 9: Ball He thought he had been awake, but only when he awoke had he realized that it was false. The sun was coming up and he had his face in his legs. The air was cold and moist, it smelled of dew and morning. For the moment, he was...
Burdens - Chapter 8: Desert
Chapter 8: Desert Roger woke, but it was difficult. He did not want to get out of bed despite being awake. He did not feel quite right. He figured he was tired. He rolled out of bed. He hoped he was not getting sick. He managed to drag himself over...
Burdens - Chapter 6: Amends
Chapter 6: Amends All of his actions fell to fallacy. He hated that no matter what he did, he felt it fell short. Roger thought to himself that if only he had a chance, and yet now that he had it, his actions were inconsequential. They were at his...
Burdens - Chapter 5: Extrication
Chapter 5: Extrication The fox woke early from the feeling of dread and excitement. He performed all the necessary preparations for the day, and upon confirming he had not forgotten anything, he set out, bag in hand, all the mistakes he had made still...
Burdens - Chapter 4: Reprieve
Chapter 4: Reprieve The fox had shouted in rage and frustration, and he was quickly filled with regret. Any feeling of anger he had quickly abated. He knew he had made a mistake the moment his words left his mouth. He did not see a fist reared back...
Burdens - Chapter 3: Repercussions
Chapter 3: Repercussions It wasn't until lunch that he saw his friends again. They resided in the same area, talking to each other about their new classes and about the other students, as per usual. He managed to get a word in to at least one that he...