Forgotten past: another story

.- i.. i am a runt among my kind. we are called flaming masses. the fur flames. i... went out of our home and some.. dragons stopped me.. said i didn't deserve my meal, as i had just caught one, they beet me and tor my wing. i found another.. and killed that


Journey to Another World ch107

This was met with another set of nods and to that also a few grins from some of the others.

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Another Gray Muzzle mem

**01) Are you currently in a serious relationship?** Does marraige count? **02) What was your dream growing up?** To be a lawyer. **03) What talent do you wish you had?** I wish I could draw. **04) If I bought you a drink, what would it be? A...

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Just Another Night's Job....

**Not perfect I know, but i can't currently be bothered to add more detail or fix the few mistakes in it. x3** A dark figure quietly roamed the night streets of the city; a city still quite full of life, even at such a late...

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Not Another One of Those Days

#1 of where minds lay where minds lay: not another one of those days the world slowly edges back into reality, a dull thrum in my head to help understand the concrete ground should never be treated like a pillow again. i pull up to my knees.

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Pokemon Journey to another world

#2 of pokemon journey to another world pokemon journey to another world i was like any other kid at the time. i had just received my game boy and my first game. i had always had a fascination about pokemon.


Journey to another world ch50

#47 of pokemon journey to another world journey to another world 3 ch. 20 (authors note: i'm glad that you reader/s have enjoyed the story this far.

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Journey to another world ch49

#46 of pokemon journey to another world journey to another world 3 ch. 19 "what the heck doctor. i thought you said that something like this would never happen to my baby?"

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Journey to another world ch48

#45 of pokemon journey to another world journey to another world 3 ch. 18 in the end, both trainers had paid up with everything that they had on them, but actual money.

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Journey to another world ch46

#43 of pokemon journey to another world journey to another world 3 ch. 16 "well, of course i know that we have been spending quite a bit of time here in this town. but i like it here. why do we have to leave?"

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Journey to another world ch44

#41 of pokemon journey to another world journey to another world 3 ch. 14 ‘i know that jenavee has been trying to get closer to me for a while, but now that we're alone together, i can't help but feel apprehensive or uneasy about this whole thing

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Journey to another world ch43

#40 of pokemon journey to another world journey to another world 3 ch. 13 "here's to kit's first successful battle." i said as i raised my glass of juice towards her which was met by a happy bark by kit.

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